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atozines' ongoing event deadline calendar form

This is for ONGOING zine events & FREE zine downloads. All submissions are automatically added to the resource.

By checking this box I confirm that this event is ONGOING and has ALREADY OPENED.
⚠️ Please do not add events to the calendar that have not begun. ⚠️ This calendar is for ongoing events—not countdowns or announcements of soon-to-be-open events.
Example: Haikyuu: Kodzuken Live (Kenma Gaming) NSFW Example: Boku No Hero: NSFW: KRBK Summer Heat zine ⚠️ Please spell out fandom names, using fandom acronyms will make it harder to search and could cause confusion
By checking this you have confirmed that you used the correct format for the question above.
use "crossover" as 'fandom name' for multiple fandoms. use "original" as 'fandom name' for original zines that are not related to fandoms ⚠️ Please only use acronyms for ship names
⚠️ Please use a URL that goes straight to the event announcement, not the project account
Check if 18+/NSFW
The last day for your event
Choose the category that best suits your zine, if you are unsure select "MISC"
Fandoms are added with popularity - start typing, if your fandom does not appear, please skip

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form