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Verified Solutions Technical Evaluation Survey

Thank you for your interest in Unity's Verified Solutions program! To ensure that the process proceeds smoothly, please fill out this questionnaire pertaining to the technical aspects of your solution. Your answers will help us understand the complexity of your solution and assist us in creating a tailored verification process.

The name of your product or solution.
Short Description
Please provide a short description of your product, including use cases, functionality, complexity and target audience.
  • {name}
Direct link to public or internal download.
If your solution has a publicly available development repository, please input the URL here.
Unity Stream
Please select all Unity streams that your product supports. This should only include versions tested by your QA, so please do not select Unity versions that you do not officially support or have not tested internally.
  • 2021.3
  • 2022.3
  • 2023.2
Scripting Backend
Please select at least one supported Scripting Backend. Projects using your product should function and build on all selected Scripting Backends and should be tested for compatibility beforehand.
  • Mono
  • IL2CPP
Rendering Pipeline
Please select all Rendering Pipelines that your product supports. If your product is a SaaS, API-wrapper or is Rendering Pipeline agnostic, select "Built-in" only.
  • Built-in
  • URP
  • HDRP
Please select all platforms that your product is compatible with. When selecting Desktop (Windows, MacOS, Linux) platforms, this includes both Editor and Runtime support. Platforms selected here should be fully tested before submission. Please do not select platforms that your product does not primarily target (for example, a SaaS solution can work with VR-focused projects but does not contain any functionality related to VR. In this case, none of the VR platforms should be selected).
  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Oculus
  • Windows Mixed Reality
  • Microsoft HoloLens
  • OpenXR / SteamVR
  • ARCore
  • ARKit
Please provide a link to the online user manual. The manual should be up to date and include the following: - Installation Guide - Compatibility (Same as selected above) - Getting Started - Functional overview - Examples
Please provide a link to the online API documentation. Documentation should be for C#. Some exceptions apply: - Your product relies on bindings to generate C# API. In this case, API documentation for the native programming language used is acceptable - Your product is plug-and-play (codeless)
Please provide a link to the online changelog. Changelog should be up to date and include version information.
Please provide a link to a sample project, if bundled separately from the Package.
Please include information on used third-party Assets and their licenses, if applicable.
  • {name}
Please provide the article link that describes known issues in the latest version of your product.
Verified Solutions Attribution
Please include information on how you have implemented Verified Solutions Attribution in your product so we could easily ensure its functionality and presence on our end.
  • {name}
Internal QA report
Please attach the latest internal QA report. The report should contain test cases that cover the majority of the functionality as well as include environmental information, such as tested platforms, Unity streams, Scripting Backends and Rendering Pipelines (if applicable).
Attach file
Drop files here
If your product requires any sort of credentials for testing or use, please include them here. Credentials include but are not limited to: - API keys - License files - Login details - Product key codes
  • {name}
Please input the full name of the primary point of contact.
Please input the full name of the business point of contact.
Please input the full name of technical (QA/Developer) point of contact.
Development Location
Please input the location and timezone of your main development facility.
  • {name}

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