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Post-Conversation Survey & Sign-up

The survey helps with future Conversations. This information will be shared with your Facilitator and the Environment Centre of NT.

Did you complete the Pre-Conversation Survey? If YES, please select YOUR survey from the Attendee Lookup. If NO, please fill in your details below.
We love to use photos from our Conversation in promotional materials. Please let us know if you don't consent to this.
  • Please DO NOT use photos of me in ECNT promo or training materials
Actions: I would like to...
Choose as many as you want
  • Host a Climate Conversation
  • Train to be a Facilitator
  • Join an Elected Members Engagement Group
  • Volunteer with us
  • Newsletter
1. After attending the Climate Conversation how important is the issue of climate change to you personally?
2. How many degrees (°C) has the earth warmed due to human activity?
3. To have the best chance of limiting warming well below 2°C, Australia needs to aim for emission reductions...
4. What additional climate change impacts have you learnt about from attending this conversation?
  • {name}
5. Attending this conversation has improved my understanding of the actions I can take:
6. Attending this Conversation has empowered me to take more effective action:
Please share more about the actions you are considering after attending this Conversation.

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about your Climate Conversation experience.

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