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Reading Rainbow Book Club with A Tribe Called Queer & The Salt Eaters

NEXT MEETING IS TUES DECEMBER 27, 2022 AT 7PM BOOK CHOICE: We will be reading and discussing NK Jemisin's 'The World We Make' This is the follow-up to our previous book club pick 'The City We Became' by Jemisin in her 'The Great Cities' duology! PURCHASE THE BOOK: ABOUT THE AUTHOR: *This is a Virtual Event* Zoom link will be sent prior to meeting date.

Fam w/ATCQueer
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This is a judgement free safe space. By participating in this book club you acknowledge and accept that ALL are welcome regardless of race, gender, sexuality, body size & ability, income, job, and reading ability. We come together with the intention to have fun and to connect. We will encourage each other and be respectful of each other always. Reading Rainbow Book Club centers the BIPOC experience, and intentionally discusses the work of BIPOC authors. This book club centers our love for ourselves and our visions for the world we want to live in: one that does not degrade, diminish or dispose of us. By centering BIPOC stories, we reclaim and return to our full humanity. Non-BIPOC folx are welcome in this book club, however, they must acknowledge their role. Non-BIPOC folx are asked to protect this space that intentionally centers the BIPOC experience; witness what is happening in the space and to themselves at the moment; and to honor, taking in what is shared and letting it mean something in their life.

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