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NEAR CyberSecurity -- Smart Contract Audit Request Form

This form serves as the request mechanism to get your project in queue for audit by one of our smart contracts auditing firms with whom we have established a retainer. Please review the form and ensure you have all the required information before filling it out. You will receive a confirmation email with your form details upon submission. Please note: You should already have a plan for funding your smart contract audit. NEAR, Inc does not provide funding. We match you with Auditors with which we have retainers (existing capacity). The information you provide below will help the auditors determine an estimated price for your contract. You should also be very sure about your ability to be ready for an audit. Delaying a scheduled audit affects the auditors' ability to work, and additional charges may be levied for customer-caused delays. You should be here if: You launching a project or increasing its capabilities on the NEAR protocol and have a smart contract that needs to be audited for security purposes. You should not be here if: You are looking for the status of a previous request or wish to update a previous request. You are launching a project on another Layer 1 that has no interoperability or direct interaction with the NEAR protocol.

Are you the primary point of contact?
POC Preferred Communication Platform
What project does the smart contract fall under?
Project Description
Please provide a description of the overall project.
  • {name}
What is the explicit smart contract name?
Smart Contract Descripiton
Please provide a general, high-level description of the smart contract purpose and function. If you include a URL, please ensure you copy the high-level description text into this field.
  • {name}
Select all languages used
  • Rust
  • Solidity
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Vyper
  • Other
  • NEAR Protocol
  • Ethereum
  • Other
  • NFT
  • DeFi
  • Gaming
  • DApp
  • Bridge
  • Other
Optional but recommended. Please provide a link here, even if it's preliminary. This will help in scoping the audit. Private repositories should be shared with JS-NEAR on Github. For other platforms, submit files with this form.
Attach smart contract here if not submitting a URL
Attach file
Drop files here
Please provide your best estimate. Often estimates slip, creating problems for the auditors who are reserving personnel to do audit work. Providing a high-confidence date will help us maintain a good working relationship with our Audit partners.
This should be a date on which you are confident your team and smart contract will be ready. Actual dates will depend on availability, but will be no earlier than this date.
Confidence that everything will be ready by the date provided.
Estimated Risk associated with the Smart Contract
Be honest. It's ok to be wrong.
Risk Explanation
Identify the elements of risk associated with this smart contract? Please be explicit. If you feel the contract is not associated with significant risk, please describe why.
  • {name}
Has this smart contract been audited in the past? Or have you worked with a particular audit firm for related audits?
Select the Audit firm, "No," or "Other"
Do you have sufficient funding to pay for an audit?
(Smart contract audits can cost anywhere from tens to hundreds of thousands in $USD)
(First and Last Name)
Official company or project invoicing address
  • {name}

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form