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Sexual Health Alliance Certification Application

We're so excited that you've taken the next step toward building the sexuality career of your dreams. Use this Application Form for the following SHA Certification Programs: Sex Therapy, Couples & Sex Therapy Dual Certification, Sex Educator, Sexuality Counselor, Sex Coach/Sexologist, and Sex and Relationship Coach Dual Certification. Once you complete the Application, we'll send your official Acceptance Letter within 1 business day. If you do not hear from us within a day, please check your Spam folder and email to confirm next steps. If you use a web browser pop-up blocker, please note that you may receive a reload of the blank application upon submission. Allowing pop-ups from will correct this. You will also receive a confirmation email immediately after submission. If you do not see the confirmation page or receive a confirmation email, it's possible your submission was not recorded. Please reach out to to receive confirmation.

*Please double check that your email address is typed correctly, since we will notify you of your Acceptance by email. Additionally, whitelist '' to ensure you receive notification of your Acceptance, or check your Spam folder.
Current Role
Please let us know what you're doing now.
Are you a licensed mental health care provider?
Answer 'Yes' only if you are currently licensed and practicing in the mental health field, as you will be required to upload your current license. If licensure is not required in your locale, please select the appropriate answer. If you are provisionally licensed or currently in school select the appropriate option. If you are not fully or provisionally licensed, and not in school to become a licensed mental health professional, select 'No, and I will not be'.
Select Your Desired Certification Program
**IMPORTANT NOTE:** You must meet minimum requirements* for the certification track you are applying for in order to be accepted. *Sex Therapy and dual Couples & Sex Therapy tracks: Must, at minimum, be enrolled in a degree-seeking Masters program pursuing licensure as a mental health care professional. (If you are outside the U.S. please email us for exceptions.) *Sexuality Educator and Counselor tracks: Must, at minimum, be currently enrolled in any Bachelors degree-seeking program. If you are not currently enrolled in a degree-seeking program, or have a High School Diploma, Some College, or an Associate's Degree only, you are eligible for the Sexuality Coach & Consultant Certification or Dual Sex & Relationship Coach tracks.
Are you interested in the Fast Track option?
The SHA Fast-Track option allows for students to attend 8 live, online weekends and complete 25 hours of self-paced coursework. This is different from the Classic option which students attend 3 live, online weekends and complete 150 hours of self-paced coursework.
Interest in Specialty Certification Add-Ons
Enrolled SHA students receive discount pricing on specialty certifications and add-on certifications. These are a great option for those who are seeking multiple certifications or specialized training in a specific aspect of the sexuality field. This field only denotes interest. These programs will not be listed on your application letter, but will be shared with you upon enrollment.
  • Consensual Non-Monogamy Certified (CNM)
  • Kink Informed Certified (KIC)
  • Problematic Sexual Behavior Certified (PSB)
  • Add-On Couples - Certified Couples Therapist or Professional
  • Add-On Sexuality Educator, Counselor, Therapist, or Coach
  • SHA Business School
Today's Date
Personal Statement Part I
Help us get to know you! Please tell us about your interest in becoming a sexuality professional. Consider the following questions to help you get started: *When did you first realize you wanted to study sexuality? *Was there a pivotal moment when you realized working as a sexuality professional was your calling? Please tell us in about 250 words or 2-3 paragraphs.

Personal Statement Part II
What you plan to do with your SHA certification? Consider the following questions to help you get started: *What goals do you have for your career and how will this certification help? *Do you plan on seeking AASECT certification (applicable only to US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Israel residents)? Please tell us in about 250 words or 2-3 paragraphs.
  • {name}
Please attach a photo so we will recognize you at events!
Attach file
Drop files here
Attach file
Drop files here
Highest Degree Obtained
Select the highest degree you've been awarded. *Please note that you are testifying that your response to this question is accurate for admissions purposes.
Do you live in the United States?
AASECT Acknowledgement
This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for 200+ AASECT CE credits. These CE credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification. Completion of this program does not ensure or guarantee AASECT certification. For further information please contact
SHA Acknowledgment
The learning materials provided by this educational institution are intended solely for the use of the enrolled students. Unauthorized sharing, distribution, or reproduction of these materials is strictly prohibited. Students are expected to respect intellectual property rights, adhere to academic integrity principles, and refrain from disseminating course materials without explicit permission from the institution.
Additional Information
Is there anything else you'd like us to know while considering your application?
  • {name}
How did you hear about us?
How did you find Sexual Health Alliance (SHA)? Select as many as apply:
  • Friend or Colleague
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Google (or other web search)
  • AASECT Website/Directory
  • Instagram
  • Podcast
  • Tiktok
  • LinkedIn
  • SHA Board Member (Dr. David Ley, Dr. Chris Donaghue, Heather McPherson)
  • SHA Conference, Study abroad, or other event
  • SHA Faculty & Presenters (including Midori, Eli Sheff, Justin Lehmiller, etc)
  • SHA Email or Newsletter
  • SHA Student or Alumni
  • Teacher or Professor
  • Word of Mouth/Good reputation
  • Met at another conference/event
  • In the media (blogs/articles)
  • Other (please tell us more below!)
More information for how you heard about us...
  • {name}
Mailing List Acknowledgement
Important communications with our applicants and students are sent out via mailing list. Please click to acknowledge you understand that by submitting your application you are agreeing to be added to our mailing list.
Terms and Conditions Acceptance
Upon Acceptance to this program and submitting initial tuition, you Agree to abide by our Terms and Conditions. These can be reviewed here:

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