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Instructor Application

Part 2. Attachments Now that you have completed "1a. Applicant Information," you are welcome to attach a copy of your CV, a Statement of Interest, an unofficial transcript, and anything else you would like to add to your application. Please be sure to spell your first and last names just as you did in "1a. Applicant Information" so that your attachments are correctly added to your application.

Attach file
Drop files here
Statement of Interest
Please provide a statement of interest that makes sure to answer the following questions: What prepares you to be an effective teacher? What draws you to teaching in this context?
Attach file
Drop files here
Please attach a copy of your most recently issued academic transcripts, including transcripts from any additional graduate coursework that may qualify you to teach. Cornell official digital transcripts may be acquired here:
Attach file
Drop files here
Additional Attachments
Attach file
Drop files here

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