
Lorem ipsum

Share your career journey!

Just fill out this form to be featured on the blog. The more detail, the better. Anecdotes, lessons, etc. make these especially helpful. Feel free to drop a Loom link to respond if that's easier. It won't be shared anywhere and your answers will be transcribed.

When and how did you get started working in your current position at your current company?
  • {name}
List out your job titles with years for as long as you've worked in content marketing
  • {name}
As a [insert title], what does a day in your life look like?
  • {name}
What was your biggest career pivot & the motivator behind it? (either internally at your current co or externally)
  • {name}
Were there skills that carried over from your last role to your current one?
  • {name}
What new skills have you learned in your role that have helped you succeed?
  • {name}
What advice would you give to someone who wants to make a similar career pivot as you did?
  • {name}
We won't share this publicly, but we'd love to be able to follow-up with you.

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