
Lorem ipsum

2023-24 Academic Year Research Position Form

This form is to post Undergraduate Research positions you are looking to fill. Open to OSU Faculty/Staff in the College of Engineering and College of Arts and Sciences You must complete this form once for EACH position you wish to enter.

Put your osu email address here
This will not be shared with students
What is your primary college?
Research Description
Give a brief (1-2 sentence), high level description of your research.

(Optional) Website (URL) that describes your research/research group.
Please make each of your research position names unique.
Position Description
Give a brief (1-2 sentence), description of what an undergraduate student would do in your research environment. Note: If your lab requires travel/transportation from main campus or is on another Ohio State campus, please include that information here.

Add comma delimited keywords to describe the type of research being done.
Rank(s) Considered
Ex: For summer, First Year = summer after first year, etc...
  • First year
  • Second year
  • Third year
  • Fourth year and beyond
College of Arts and Sciences majors you would consider for this position.
Check all that apply
College of Engineering majors you would consider for this position
Type of Position
Select all that apply
  • Paid (I have or will secure funding)
  • Research Credit
  • Volunteer (unpaid)
  • Department or College-specific scholarship
  • Work Study
US Citizenship Required
Terms the position is available
Hours per week
Check all that apply.
  • 10 or less
  • 11-20
  • 21-30
  • 31+
100% Remote
Do you give us permission to share this position with students

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form