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31st Ave Open Street Programming

- Updated for the 2023 Season - Anyone that wishes to run an event on the Open Street should fill out this form. Both new and returning programmers are all welcome to submit. Submit this form once for each unique program you'd like to manage. If you need to make changes to a previously submitted program, send us an email with the latest information. Reminder: all events on the Open Street must be free and open to the public. Looking to be a vendor? Fill out QNS Collaborative's form to join in on their market events. Our email address is available via the message icon at the top right of our website and if you have questions, please visit the FAQ page:

Are you a returning programmer?
Have you managed any programs on the 31st Ave Open Street already?
For the Open Street organizers to contact you about this event
For the Open Street organizers to contact you about this event
For the Open Street organizers to contact you about this event
For use on our website, social media, and in person. This can be edited later if needed.
Public Event Description
For use on our website, social media, and in person. This can be edited later if needed.

For tagging your account in our posts about upcoming events
For tagging your account in our posts about upcoming events
Is there more information about the event available online?
Select any categories you think your event fits into. This can be edited later if needed and helps us provide a balanced schedule of programs.
  • Community Support
  • DIY Crafts
  • For Kids
  • Fundraiser
  • Games
  • Learning
  • Market
  • Outreach
  • Performance
  • Health and Wellness
  • Food
  • Other
Would you like to do this event here regularly?
Regular programming will be prioritized but one-time events are welcome
Amplified Sound
Will your event include amplified sound or music? This does not include small Bluetooth speakers or acoustic instruments.
Do you intend to sell anything during your event?
All vendor markets are managed by QNS Collaborative and are held once a month - fill out the form at this link instead
Preferred Street Location
This is not a guarantee, but we will try to put you on the block you prefer.
How long do you plan on running your event during the Open Street?
Do you need to borrow equipment from us?
Select any items that you may need to borrow. We cannot guarantee equipment availability, but we will do our best. If your event cannot happen without something that you're requesting, please provide more details in the field below.
Any additional notes?
For the 31st Ave Open Street organizers only. A form to request the dates you'd like to be on the street will be sent to approved programmers.

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form