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Confidential Incident Intake Form

Thank you for sharing your story. This form is confidential and will be used to build a confidential database for inquiries for the safety of individuals in their workplaces. This action is to continue the work of holding those who inflict harm accountable. The purpose of this form is to help our community be a safe space. Any possible action by MWA must be consented to, by you. This includes the sharing of information with the party/parties involved in your submission. You can read our confidentiality policy below. We appreciate and are grateful for you sharing your experience.

i.e. Blue Note, NYC, NY
Name(s) of party/parties involved
  • {name}
If there are any documents that you would like to share regarding the incident or persons involved, add them here.
Attach file
Drop files here
Description of Incident
  • {name}
Hello There! We'd like to take a moment to check in with you. How's your heart? How is your spirit? We care about your overall health and well being. If you feel like you need to speak with someone, here is a number you can call or text.
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Would you be interested in any of the following actions?
  • Reporting Only/No Action
  • Apology/Accountability Statement
  • Mediation - Reconciliation
  • Safe Space Sharing with other Victims/Survivors of Harm
  • Legal Action
If you chose any of the follow up actions, what would be the best way to contact you?
  • Telephone Call
  • Text
  • Email
  • N/A

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form