
Lorem ipsum

Handwoven Submission

Choose the issue to which you would like to submit. NOTE: If the issue you want to submit to is no longer listed, or if you want to update/revise a previous submission with additional info/photographs, please email
Short Bio
Please provide a short two- to three- sentence biography.
  • {name}
Title or Subject
  • {name}
Submission Type
  • Article
  • Project
  • Web Article
Previously Published?
Have you previously published or posted this article/project?
(Please include any places where the content is scheduled to be published or under consideration for being published.)
Please provide the original source of the draft.
Description of article or project
  • {name}
How it relates to the issue theme
  • {name}
Yarn Information
For each yarn type used, please list: yarn company, yarn name, fiber content, and yards per pound or yards per skein. (e.g. WEBS, 5/2 pearl cotton, cotton, 2,100 yd/lb.) You do not need to do this for every color used.
  • {name}
Are any of the yarns handspun or hand-dyed?
If yes, please be prepared to offer commercially available alternative.
Are all of the yarns in your project still readily available?
Attach article outline
Attach file
Drop files here
Attach project photos, wifs, illustrations, or drafts
Please limit image size to 1 MB or less.
Attach file
Drop files here

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