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Creative Digital Commission Form

Submissions are now open for the SceneStirling digital commissions. SceneStirling would like to hear from established and emerging creative and cultural practitioners who are based in, or are from, Stirling. We are seeking ambitious, creative talent for our digital commission open call. This commission offers an opportunity to transform your creative practice through digital. We aim to address the impact of digital exclusion for the creative and cultural community in Stirling, caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Running over three months, we will support you with our digital expertise to support your professional development, build your networks and help you progress your creative practice. The initiative includes professional skills workshops and digital training by experienced industry trainers, including a matched creative mentor to provide insight along this journey. We are committed to ensuring Stirling’s creatives are supported to build the necessary digital skills they need to continue their practice and learn to develop their digital presence. We aim to help creatives fulfil their professional potential to place Stirling firmly on the cultural and global map where it belongs. We want to find - and then support - a cohort of individuals to showcase their practice within a wider digital context. The result of this digital commission and skills training programme is for our five creative candidates to succeed as a creative professional with digital, and to create a unique piece of work that showcases Stirling’s creative talent.

Please provide first and last name
Please include: House / Flat Number, Street Address, City/Town and Post Code
We will only ever contact you in regards to your application.
Please provide your work website URL (if any)
Please provide a contact number, we can reach out to if you are successful.
Please provide your Twitter URL (if any)
Please provide your LinkedIn URL (if any)
Please provide your Instagram URL (if any)
Submit your CV or covering letter (if no CV)
Attach file
Drop files here
What is your proposed idea or project?
Please provide a brief description of your idea in 1-2 sentences.
  • {name}
How will your project take place in, benefit or connect to Stirling and the wider arts and cultural sector in Stirling?
  • {name}
Give us up to three examples of projects or work that is relevant to the project and which clearly demonstrate your skills and experience.
You can write your answer and upload any examples below

Upload any files (images, video or slides) that will support your application and give the panel examples of your work. (100MB limit)
Attach file
Drop files here
Please outline how you will use the grant funding. What will the money be spent on?
Please briefly include what type of creative digital project it will be spent on
  • {name}
Tell us what you have to offer
Where are you currently placed in your career or creative practice? (250 words max)
  • {name}
Do you feel you face any current obstacles or barriers to your career advancement?
Is there anything that you feel is setting you back in terms of digital, creative or professional skills / equipment / knowledge? (250 words max)
  • {name}
What do you hope to gain from the Digital Creative Commissions programme and how it will benefit your career or practice?
(250 words max)
  • {name}
Do you have any personal challenges that are holding you back from achieving your creative and/or digital ambitions?
(250 words max)
  • {name}
Outline your goals and ambitions and what the Scene Stirling Creative Digital Commissions could help you to achieve?
(250 words max)
  • {name}
Please provide your first reference Name, Email and Telephone Number. They will only be contacted if successful.
Please let us know if there is anything else you'd like to add to support your application.
  • {name}
Have you completed our Equal Opportunities form?
  • Yes
  • No

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