Apply for Propelle™
If you seem like a good fit, we will reach out to discuss next steps! Propelle™ is right for... - Business owners making $5-15k/month - Online service- or learning-based businesses Propelle™ is NOT right for... - Business owners not generating income consistently - Brick and mortar businesses with no online services - E-commerce or product creators
If applicable
Please include full URL, not just @username
How much money is your business currently making per month on average? *
- Less than $3,000
- $3,000 - $5,000
- $5,000 - $8,000
- $8,000 - $12,000
- $12,000 - $15,000
- $15,000+
Tell me a bit about your business! What do you do? Who and how do you help? *
- {name}
What's currently working well in your business? If you've thought about expanding on what you're doing, tell me about it! *
- {name}
What are your typical income sources? If you have more than one, what is the breakdown? *
Is all of your income coming from one specific offer or do you have multiple? Are you selling higher or lower cost offers? Do you have recurring revenue from payment plans / retainers? How consistent is your monthly revenue?
Please note this question is not meant to be invasive so only disclose what you're comfortable with.
- {name}
What are the bottlenecks, obstacles, or frustrations you've got in your business? *
- {name}
What draws you to working with me? *
- {name}
Propelle™ is all about energetic alignment in business. In what ways does attract you to the program? Do you have any hesitations around this? *
More specifically, Propelle™ combines elements of masculine energy (strategy, systems, etc) with elements of feminine energy (flow, embodiment, etc) to balance with your unique energetic alignment. Manifestation and mindset are as much the vibe as funnels (not the icky kind) and processes. Adriane also incorporates Human Design into coaching, so if you are aware of your type / authority / profile, feel free to share! (No worries if you don't know, though!)
- {name}
Where would you like your business to be in 6 months? Where would you like it to be in 12 months? *
- {name}
The cost for Propelle™ is $1,500/mo with a 12 month minimum commitment or $15k paid in full. If approved, is this an investment you are prepared to make? *
A VIP option is also available which adds one 1:1 coaching session per month (12 total) plus private Voxer access; the VIP option is $3,500/mo or $35,000 if paid in full.
There will be no pressure at all to join if you are approved.
- Yes, I have the resources for the monthly payment
- Yes, and I would like to pay for the year in full
- Yes, and I would like to join with the VIP option
- I am not able to make this level of investment
If your application is approved, would you like to schedule a call with Adriane before making the decision to join? *
There is no wrong answer for this! Sales calls are not a necessary part of the enrolment process, however we understand many people prefer to speak with their mentor / coach before making a decision while others don't :)
- Yes, I would prefer to hop on a call before investing
- No need for a call; I'm ready to go
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
- {name}
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