Startup Factory Mentor Application
Please provide us with a little information to help us connect you with the right innovator.
Industry *
Select an option
Area(s) of Expertise *
Select an option
If your industry or expertise isn't listed above, please add it here.
- {name}
Attach file
Drop files here
Brief bio *
- {name}
Mentorship opportunity I'm interested in: *
Select an option
Why do you want to mentor with the ISU Startup Factory? *
- {name}
Describe how you will approach mentoring founders with Startup Factory *
- {name}
Anything you want the Startup Factory to know about you?
- {name}
I agree to adhere to the Startup Factory's stated expectations of mentor behavior *
Mentor Guidelines:
I agree to receive emails from the ISU Startup Factory about events, news, and announcments (no more than 2x/month)
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