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Permanent Jewelry Waiver and Release of Liability

I willingly and voluntarily agree to participate in Larissa Loden Inc Permanent Jewelry Services (referred to as the "Activity"). In consideration of my participation in the Activity and the rights granted to me, I hereby waive any and all rights, claims, or causes of action arising from my participation. I release and discharge Larissa Loden Inc., its affiliates, managers, agents, staff, volunteers, and representatives (collectively referred to as "Releasees") from any physical or psychological injury resulting directly from my participation in the Activity. I am fully aware that my participation in the Activity involves certain risks, including but not limited to physical or psychological injury, pain, vision impairment, or emotional loss. I acknowledge that I assume all known and unknown risks associated with my participation. Furthermore, I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Larissa Loden Inc. from any claims, suits, or actions, including attorney's fees, brought by me or anyone on my behalf, arising from my participation in the Activity. By electronically signing this waiver, I confirm that: • I have informed Larissa Loden Inc. employees of any allergies that may affect my permanent jewelry wear. • I understand the risk of looking directly at the welding process, which could harm my eyesight. • I acknowledge that sudden movements during the welding process may cause skin scratches or burns, and I will remain still during the procedure. I have informed Larissa Loden Inc. employees if I have any limitations in doing so. • I am at least 18 years old and able to legally consent to participate in the Permanent Jewelry Service, or am the parent/legal guardian of a minor between the ages of 13 and 17 and am legally consenting on their behalf. • I acknowledge that Releasees are not responsible for errors, omissions, or actions of any third party conducting events or activities on their behalf. I have read and fully understand this "Permanent Jewelry Waiver and Release" and acknowledge that it constitutes a release of liability. I voluntarily give up any right to bring a legal action against Larissa Loden Inc and its affiliates for personal injury.

I have read and agree to the terms above.
Phone or Email
If signing as parent/legal guardian of minor (13-17 years old)
I agree to electronically sign this form

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