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COVID-19 Innovation Sprint for Egypt

Under the host of the Central Bank of Egypt and in collaboration with the Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA), DFS Lab has partnered with FSD Africa on a COVID-19 Innovation Sprint that aims to unearth, develop, and refine FinTech solutions that directly address the pandemic in Egypt. FSD Africa is funded by UK Aid from the UK government. This series of design sprints will bring together multiple Egyptian banks and financial institutions that are seeking solutions to COVID-19 with international and local innovators who are rapidly creating the products and services that will help Egypt’s financial sector adapt to a post-COVID-19 landscape. Selected applicants will have opportunities to collaborate with participating banks and financial institutions to deliver the product to market. You can find more information about this initiative at

This will be our primary contact
In a couple sentences, what does your company do?
Please be brief and utilize your pitch deck if you'd like to provide more detail.
  • {name}
What was the latest milestone your company hit?
This can be revenue, country expansion, a funding round - whatever you think is the most important.
  • {name}
Please indicate which problem statement category you are responding to
You can read more on problem statements at Please select all that apply.
  • Remote lending and alternative data
  • Remote KYC/onboarding
  • Data access for regulators
  • Digital invoicing and supply chain payments/finance
  • Cashless payments
  • Queueing and customer service
  • Remote marketing and education
  • Regulatory interactions
Please summarize your solution in a paragraph
Please use the below to give a high level overview of your solution and utilize your pitch deck to provide further detail.

What resources have you committed or plan to commit to this solution and how does it tie into your future commercial goals?

What progress have you already made on this solution? How many customers do you have?

Why is your team the right one to implement this solution?

What is your plan to deploy or expand your solution in Egypt?

Is there anything that would delay or restrict deploying your solution in Egypt?
For example, regulatory restrictions, data integrations, etc.

Please attach a short pitch deck about your team and your solution
15 slides or fewer please
Attach file
Drop files here
Please link to any other information that helps us understand your solution or your company
For example: product pages, demos, press hits, etc.
  • {name}
Thanks for applying! We look forward to reviewing your application, and we will be in touch if you are selected to participate.
We'd love to know how you heard about this opportunity. Let us know below!
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • DFS Lab's Website
  • Word of mouth
  • Other
  • DFS Lab email

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