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Shelter Luv
Equine Genie
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Reason for Disqualification
Annual Subscription
Annual Subscription Notes
Free Online Test Database
Training / Support
Integration with petfinder services
Installation type
Supported Mobile Devices

Suited more for custodial organizations. Lacks robust service tracking and "people / organization" tracking.


Free to rescue 501(c)(3) organizations.

Horse-related profile information is built in, so no need to configure breeds, markings, colors, etc. One of the more attractive / intuitive user interfaces Many opportunities to tag activities and send email reminders, but may not be easy to report back specific details for services.

No adoption functionality, though other shelters have repurposed "lease" and "owner" fields for foster and adoption situations

Volunteer management "is coming" so difficult to assess the availability of specific requirements.

Reviews from about 2 years ago indicated there were usability issues with the app. Take this with a block of salt though!

Documentation available as well as support during "business hours". Unclear if this is included, but it probably is

Cloud or Web based
Android phones

very expensive, not cloud or web-based, reviews consistently mentioned that the user interface is not intuitive and there is a very steep learning curve


This is an installed product so would also require a one-time software purchase of $12,000, and ongoing maintenance of server plus workstations.

This is annual fee for one workstation and one server.

Did not review product. Initial research indicated that this would not be a good fit with most organizations


Users cite a steep learning curve and non-intuitive interface, and overall "difficulty" in using


This was a very close option and was in the final running. But the reporting on contact information was non-existent


Pricing is based on number of animals per month, with $25/month ($300 / year) being the lowest.

If you take more than 200 animals per each year, it is worth switching to the flat fee of $200 per month.

Very configurable and you could probably find a way to track everything you need. After a release (adoption, return to owner, etc.) there are settings you can configure to automatically remove from petfinder service, and remove upcoming reminders

Although it is very configurable, there will be translations, such as "farrier visits are stored under procedure types in the medical section". Thoughtful setup of options and very clear documentation will be imperative

The user interface is a little cluttered

Full phone and email support. Hours / response time is unclear.

Can display animals on your own website and export for PetFinder. Other rescue groups may be options as well, but a little unclear
Cloud or Web based
Android phones

Connections between equine and other activities (surrendering owner, adopter name, other outcome information) is surprisingly difficult.

Overall reporting ability seems very limited

Company is paid when they help you place adoptable animals. Price per adoption is $2 per animal, up to 499 animals.

Offer a 14 day free trial

Seems configurable enough to accommodate some basic equine profile information. Can apply workflows so that certain fields are check / unchecked on profiles when adoption or intake takes place. Some options are also defaulted / pre-populated based on animal type or a medical situation Can make more fields hidden or required than other software Collects digital signatures Built-in reporting seems helpful and pretty user-friendly

Connecting people to animals is a bit confusing for surrender / adoption situations.

Unclear where Outcomes are used on an animal's record. You can configure them, but cannot find them to apply to an animal

Cannot configure color options

Lots of online articles and videos

Automatic exports to Petfinder, Adopt-a-Pet, RescueGroups, and your own website
Cloud or Web based
Android phones

Better suited for custodial situations


Free for life if you sign up by the end of December 2020, and possibly also free if you are part of their microchip program. Highest level (gold) is $48 per month ($576 / year).

Price is very low, if you act soon. Has a broad breadth of basic features. Shares small amount of revenue with users, I believe $2.00 per microchip. Organizations could benefit from bulk purchasing from Cathy's Club. Covetrus products seem most applicable.

Features are basic, so organizations might grow out of them.

Configuration options might not meet needs, though they are eager to work with equine organizations. Some entries can be limited because they need to match PetFinder fields and configurations in order to integrate

Tutorials and FAQs available online, as well as lots of tooltips and contextual help

Petfinder, Adopt-a-Pet, and
Cloud or Web based
Android phones

Cannot specifically update for equine-specific needs.. Even the vendor said this wouldn't be a good fit.

  • Based on number of animals per year. This is the annual fee for up to 100 animals.
Cloud or Web based
Android phones

Important Note that this is a one-time price and not an annual subscription. The president is considering a discount, but would probably be based on number of organizations that sign up.

Very complete. Includes Financial Management and Accounting. Horse care and Management w/Reminders, Business Operations, Supplier Management, Purchasing w/Reminders, Payables, Inventory, Vehicle Management, Employee Management, Customer Management, Billing and Invoicing, Receivables, Receipts, Statements, Customer Emailing, Address Book, Appointment Scheduler w/Reminders. Contact Manager w/Reminders, Daily Log Tracker. User Defined Business Calendars.

Installed software, so available only on a single computer.

Installed software also means that it is not available via a mobile phone. The do offer a "client genie". It is only for windows-based users and does cost $199 extra.

"24/7/365" and "live". Unclear if that is phone, email, etc. External reviewers do seem very pleased with support.

Windows-based devices

User interface is somewhat frustrating and cannot be customized extensively


$5 per month per "agent", or user account. Next level up is $19 per agent per month, which would allow the ability to track a specific user logging and responding to calls. Two users would be $456 per year.

Integrates for free with MailChimp, which would allow for email communication.

Kind of a frustrating user interface that does not seem appropriately configurable.

Cloud or Web based
Android phones
8 records


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