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Innovators-in-Residence Application

The Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC) at Georgia Tech seeks dynamic individuals for its 2023-2024 Innovators-in-Residence cohort. These individuals will partner with teachers in several metro-Atlanta schools to develop and implement a quality STEAM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Art-Math) curriculum. Although candidates are not required to have any formal background or training in education, they must have a passion for tinkering, design, invention, computer science, making, art, and STEAM education. Candidates with a background in mathematics are especially encouraged to apply. Each cohort of Innovators is selected to support developing and implementing a quality STEAM curriculum in their assigned school. Whether placed in an elementary, middle, or high school, once placed in school, innovators partner with teachers to design and implement student-centered projects in the classroom, as well as support engaging STEAM-focused after-school programs. To support the innovators' pedagogical development, they must participate in online problem-based learning training, intensive summer professional development, and bi-weekly cohort meetings. The Innovator in Residence is a part-time opportunity, and each participant will work 20 hours per week and create a portfolio of the work which is completed during the residency. Please complete the application below for the 2023-2024 Innovators in Residence Program cohort.

Your first name. Like this: Jane, Ryan, Keisha
Your last name. Like this: Cabral, Reynolds, Smith
Please double check spelling
Don't forget your apartment or unit number!
Example: GA, FL, NC
Please add a *full link* to your LinkedIn profile. If you don't have one, please leave empty.
Please add a *full link* to your Facebook profile. If you don't have one, please leave empty.
Please add a *full link* to your Instagram profile. If you don't have one, please leave empty.
Please add a *full link* to your Twitter profile. If you don't have one, please leave empty.
Cover Letter
Tell us why you would love to be an Innovator in Residence.
Attach file
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This is your Resume or Curriculum Vitae - PDF would be best.
Attach file
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Do you have access to reliable transportation?
Please note that some of our schools may be up to 30 miles from Georgia Tech's campus. *Lack of access to transportation will not count against you in consideration for selection.
Besides English, what language(s) do you read, speak and write fluently?
Remember, *fluently* - If English is the only language, please leave empty.
Is there an age group you would prefer to work with?
Select as many as you would like.
  • Elementary
  • Middle
  • High
What pathway are you most interested in?
Computer Science Pathway Schools participating in this pathway will integrate the arts into computational thinking and computer science activities. In elementary schools, these activities often feature novel approaches to problem solving to help students build their computational thinking skills. In middle schools, students are introduced to core computing and coding concepts, so they see computing as a method for representing and solving problems and begin to use technology to enhance their learning. In high schools, students enroll in computer science courses where they learn to program in order to produce, innovate, or solve problems, and to understand how computing can be a creative experience. Engineering Pathway Schools participating in this pathway will integrate the arts into activities that engage students in the Engineering Design Process and challenge them to solve interdisciplinary STEM problems. In elementary schools, these activities should help students develop an understanding of engineering as a profession, and engage them in the design process to solve problems. In middle schools, engineering students design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, build prototypes, and learn the engineering tools and techniques. In high schools, students enroll in engineering pathway courses where they engage in engineering design and systems thinking and explore different fields of engineering. Invention and Entrepreneurship Schools participating in this pathway will integrate the arts into activities in which students become creators, innovators, and marketers as they engage in design thinking to produce a product or a process that meets a need in their community. This pathway allows students to engage in experiences that focus on engineering, social science and/or entrepreneurship, and to have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to real life situations. Students at all grades identify problems/needs in their community, create an invention to solve that problem, and market their product to a public audience through Georgia Tech’s K-12 InVenture program.

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