Students and Recent Grads: Check your eligibility to Pitch HearstLab U
We know filling out applications thoughtfully takes time. In an effort to make sure your time is well spent, we've created the short eligibility form below to see if your startup fits the criteria for the competition. After submitting the form, you will receive a follow up email from our team about next steps. If you meet our criteria, you must submit the official application (linked in the follow up email) by the deadline to complete your application. We're looking to fund the best high-growth, women-led startups. HearstLab exclusively invests in women-led companies and provides founders access to support and resources to accelerate the growth of their businesses. Complete the form below to see if you are eligible to apply to our pitch competition for upcoming or recent graduates of university programs. Finalists will be invited to participate in a virtual pitch event on July 18th in front of the HearstLab team and our network of investors. The winner of this competition will become an automatic finalist in our upcoming Pitch HearstLab event in the fall, where finalists will pitch live for the opportunity to win a $100k investment. There can be multiple winners for the Pitch HearstLab event. Startups for Pitch HearstLab U must: - Be women-led (CEO is a woman) - Be tech or tech-enabled - Be B2B or B2B2C - Be pre Series A - Have a product in market or working MVP - Have a CEO who is currently in or recently graduated (3 years) from a university program Pitch HearstLab invests on a customary convertible note or SAFE subject to a cap and discount based on the company’s traction, stage, and market, and with an opportunity for HearstLab to participate in the company’s future fundraising. Our side letter includes a right to invest in future rounds, an MFN clause, Major Investor rights, and information rights. Your participation and eligibility to receive an investment is contingent on you agreeing to these terms before participating in the pitch, but our terms would only become effective if we ultimately invest in your company. HearstLab is, however, not required to invest and its investment and support are discretionary and subject to completion of due diligence to our satisfaction. For more detail, please see FAQs at Questions? Contact See for additional details.