College deaths in US from vax or COVID
If you know (or know of) a college student in the US who died from COVID or the vaccine, please list them here
Not public
Not public
Not public
where the student attended
at time of death (leave blank if you don't know)
Your relationship
Pick the closest
- College classmate
- This was my child
- My sibling
- Relative
- Friend or direct personal contact
- Neighbor
- Know via friend of friend network
- Read about in newspaper or social media or substack
- Other
If you can find a news article, twitter post, Substack article, etc. describing the death, please link to it here
Will any family member speak publicly about the death
- Yes
- No
- Not sure
Cause of death
Pick one
- Vaccine for sure
- Vaccine (suspected)
- COVID and was vaccinated so might have been the combo
- not COVID or Vaccine
Tell us anything more you know about the death. Pick all that apply.
- Cardiac arrest
- Myocarditis
- Stroke
- Pulmonary embolism
- Unknown cause of death
- Died suddenly
- No comorbidities
- Cancer
- Died in sleep
- DIed while doing physical activity elevating heart rate
- Cause of death undisclosed
Number of total shots
Pick one:
- Unvaxxed
- Vaccinated, but don't know the total number of shots
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5 or more
- Don't know if vaxxed or unvaxxed
Number of days from shot till death
- Don't know
- 0 (within 24 hours)
- < 1 week
- < 2 weeks
- < 1 month
- < 2 months
- > 2 months
Did the college have a COVID vaccine mandate at the time of the death?
- Yes
- No
- Not sure
Anything else you'd like us to know
- {name}
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