HIP - Talent Directory Sign-Up Form
Welcome to the High Impact Professionals (HIP) Talent Directory Sign-Up Form! The purpose of this form is to gather information about people who are looking for roles at high-impact organizations in order to help qualified candidates and organizations with open roles find each other more easily. We envision different ways of sharing your information to help you find a high-impact job depending on what you consent to, but this is entirely up to you. Your responses will be published publicly ONLY if you give us explicit consent to do so (below). Estimated Completion Time: 10-15 minutes
Your preferred way of being contacted. We may occasionally contact you regarding your submission (e.g., to suggest adding further detail, to request feedback, or to pass on job opportunities).
Please add a link to your LinkedIn profile (recommended). If you don't have a LinkedIn profile, you may provide a link to your publicly accessible resume
Professional Summary / Experience
Brief pitch (~2 sentences) to potential employers. We recommend including previous relevant roles/responsibilities and the orgs/people you worked with. Keep it short! E.g., "Ran event for 100s of students; interviewed for 2 high-impact orgs"; "MBA student; regularly organize group holidays" etc.
- {name}
At which company are you currently working?
In which city are you currently living?
Country *
In which country are you currently living?
Select an option
Time zone *
In what timezone are you based
Select an option
Languages (B2+) *
Languages you speak with at least B2 level proficiency (Explanation of B2: https://tinyurl.com/yu293bpv)
Select an option
Current Employment Status *
What best describes your current employment status?
- Working full time
- Working part time
- Freelancing
- Volunteering
- Studying
- Unemployed / Seeking employment
How many years of work experience do you have in total?
Highest Education Level Achieved *
- High School Diploma or Equivalent
- Some College (No Degree)
- Associate Degree
- Bachelor's Degree
- Master's Degree
- Doctoral Degree (Ph.D., M.D., etc.)
- Professional Degree (J.D., MBA, etc.)
- Certificate III in Business
- Working towards JD
- Project Management Certification
- Dropped out on bachelors
- Diploma
- Other
How interested are you in moving into a (new) high-impact job? *
- 1 - I’m not interested in changing roles right now
- 2
- 3 - Not actively looking but would consider a role
- 4
- 5 - I’m actively trying to do this
How interested are you in founding/co-founding a new high-impact project?
- 1 - I’m not interested in changing roles right now
- 2
- 3 - Not actively looking but would consider a role
- 4
- 5 - I’m actively trying to do this
If you are interested in founding/co-founding a new project, which of the following are you looking for?
Select all that apply.
- Collaborators
- Funding
- Project Idea
- Other
Cause Areas *
Select all cause areas you are interested in working for.
- AI strategy and policy
- AI technical research
- Animal welfare
- Authoritarianism and corruption
- Biosecurity and pandemic preparedness
- China-Western relations
- Civilization Resilience
- Climate change
- Cybersecurity
- EA meta
- EA movement building/growth
- Earning to give
- Economic inequality
- Education and employment
- Effective giving
- Environment and sustainability
- Epistemic institutions
- Equality (e.g. gender / racial / LGBTQ+ / etc)
- Existential risk reduction
- Global health and development
- Global priorities research
- Human rights
- Improving institutional decision making
- Mental health
- Nuclear weapons
- Peace / stability / great power relations
- Refugees and immigration
- Risks posed by artificial intelligence
- Space governance
- Technological / economic growth
- Wild animal welfare
- Other
How much time have you spent engaging with Effective Altruism (EA)? *
The approximate number of hours spent consuming EA content, at EA events, working for an EA organization or on an EA project, etc.
- <5h
- 5h - 20h
- 20h -100h
- 100h+
- Never heard of "Effective Altruism"/"EA"
What types of roles would you be interested in working in? *
Select all that apply
- Accounting
- Administrative
- Animal Health / Welfare
- Animal Science
- Arts and Creative
- Biotechnology
- Business Development
- Campaigns
- Communications
- Community building
- Consulting
- Corporate Engagement
- Customer Success
- Data science
- Design
- Education
- Engineering
- Entrepreneurship
- Event Organizing
- Finance
- Forecasting
- Fundraising
- Government
- Grantmaking
- Human Resources & People Ops
- IT
- Leadership and Management
- Legal
- Marketing
- Medical & Health
- Operations
- Outreach
- Personal Assistant / Executive Assistant
- Policy
- Product Management
- Program Management
- Project Management
- Public Relations / PR
- Purchasing
- Quality Assurance
- Research
- R&D
- Sales
- Scientist
- Social Media
- Software development / Tech
- Strategy
- Other
- Science
What types of roles do you have more than 1 year of experience in? *
Select all that apply
- Accounting
- Administrative
- Animal Health / Welfare
- Animal Science
- Arts & Creative
- Biotechnology
- Business Development
- Campaigns
- Communications
- Community building
- Consulting
- Corporate Engagement
- Customer Success
- Data science
- Design
- Education
- Engineering
- Entrepreneurship
- Event Organizing
- Finance
- Forecasting
- Fundraising
- Government
- Grantmaking
- Human Resources & People Ops
- IT
- Leadership and Management
- Legal
- Marketing
- Medical & Health
- Operations
- Outreach
- Personal Assistant / Executive Assistant
- Policy
- Product Management
- Program Management
- Project Management
- Public Relations / PR
- Purchasing
- Quality Assurance
- Research
- R&D
- Sales
- Scientist
- Social Media
- Software development / Tech
- Strategy
- Other
- Science
What level of role are you looking for?
Select all that apply.
- Junior
- Senior
- Manager
- Director
- C-Suite
Please answer in US dollars.
This includes not only your direct reports but anyone under them as well. So if you directly managed 3 staff and they each managed 3 other, the answer would be 12. Rough answers are fine.
When would you be able to start a new role at the earliest?
Work Location Preference *
What are your preferences in terms of remote vs in-person work? Select all that apply.
- Fully remote
- Partially remote / Hybrid
- In-person
Type of Position *
What type(s) of position(s) are you interested in?
Select all that apply.
- Full-time
- Part-time
- Freelance
- Internship
- Volunteering
Are you willing / able to relocate? *
- Yes
- Maybe
- No
Are you willing / able to relocate?
Please expand on your preference above (e.g. "I am ONLY willing to stay within continental Europe" or "I am not willing to move to the US").
- {name}
What other ways of having impact are you interested in?
Select all that apply
- Advisor - Advising an effective organization
- Board Member - Sitting on the board of an effective organization
- Funder - Funding an effective organization
- Pro-bono Work - Doing pro-bono work for an effective organization
- Running initiatives (like fundraising campaigns) at my organization
- Running a EA workplace or professional group
- Other
Where did you hear about the HIP talent directory?
This information is for internal purposes only and won't be shared on the directory.
- EA Forum
- Slack
- LinkedIn
- Facebook
- 80,000 Hours
- EA Opportunity Board
- High Impact Professionals staff
- High Impact Professionals website
- High Impact Professionals newsletter
- EA newsletter
- EAG(x) Conference
- EA workplace/professional group
- EA local group
- EA university group
- Animal Advocacy Careers
- Effective Environmentalism
- Pineapple Operations
- Google
- Friend
- Other
If you have any other job-related context that you'd like to share, please enter it here.
- {name}
Information Sharing Settings *
We envision different ways of sharing your information to help you find a high-impact job, depending on what you consent to. You can revoke any and all consent at any time by updating your profile via our website: www.highimpactprofessionals.org.
Data Processing, Email, & Partner Sharing Consent:
By submitting this form, I consent to High Impact Professionals (HIP) processing my data provided on this form for the purpose of recruitment in accordance with GDPR. I understand that I will be able to access my data and delete it at any time via HIP's website. I consent to HIP forwarding high-impact job opportunities directly to my inbox, at HIP's discretion. I also consent to HIP sharing my responses provided on this form with its partners (e.g., other high-impact talent/job boards, high-impact recruiting agencies, hiring managers at high-impact organizations that might be interested in hiring me, and the like). I understand that HIP will ask those partners not to share my information further, nor to use this information for any other reason aside from recruiting.
[Optional] Public Profile Consent:
By selecting "Public Profile" below, I consent to any/all subset of my information being published on HIP’s or its partners’ publicly accessible websites (similar to https://pineappleoperations.org/). I understand that this is envisioned to be the easiest way for interested organizations to find my information.
Select "Private Profile" if you do NOT want your profile to be published publicly.
- Public Profile
- Private Profile
Profile Updating *
Keeping your directory profile updated is the best way to maximize your chance to be approached with opportunities from hiring organizations and the like. Therefore, by submitting this form, you agree to keep your profile up-to-date via the profile update feature on HIP's website, and you also understand that, if your profile is not updated for 1 year, it may be deleted at HIP's discretion. But, don't worry, we'll email you reminders to update your profile.
- I agree
Would you like to sign up to the High Impact Professionals mailing list?
We send out a monthly newsletter with resources for professionals to have more impact, such as job opportunities, donation opportunities, and other content relevant to impact-focused working professionals.
- Yes
- No
Clear Selection
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