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Sign up to become a Neighbor Up member

Neighbor Up is a group of thousands of people using our talents and skills to improve life in our neighborhoods. We use people power to build bridges across lines of difference and create an extraordinary world right where we live! Sign up to be part of Neighbor Up and connect with others making positive change in our communities.

What neighborhood or community do live or work in or love the most in Cleveland?
What is your gender identity?
Please note: We are committed to diversity and inclusion. Gender ID information is used to better understand and further that goal and is not used in any other way.
Please note: We are committed to diversity and inclusion. Race and ethnicity information is used to better understand and further that goal and is not used in any other way.
Add other interests here that were not included in the previous question
What do you do well and like to do and want to share with others?
  • {name}
What is something you care enough about to take action on?
  • {name}
How did you hear about Neighbor Up?
We are @NeighborUpCLE on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and we want to connect with you on social media. What are your social media handles?
  • {name}

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