How often are glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists medications used by people with and without mental health conditions, and how does that vary by subgroup?
How often are glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists medications used by people with and without mental health conditions, and how does that vary by subgroup?
Among patients experiencing a self-harm event and patients with significant suicidal ideation, only 3% had any prior clozapine use and only 1% initiated clozapine during the following 12 months. Among patients with hospitalization or ED visit despite pharmacotherapy, 9% had any prior clozapine treatment, and 3% initiated clozapine over 12 months. Among those with significant suicidal ideation, rates of both prior clozapine treatment and subsequent initiation varied significantly by race and ethnicity, with rates among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Black patients lower than among Non-Hispanic Whites.
Paper in press at J Clin Psych
What are the questions (map ID to item on a scale) and answers in the PRO data, starting with CSSRS and SDOH PROs
Mapping of question_ids to items completed for GAD, AUDIT, PHQ, Columbia.
Survey of SDOH measures (only KP has in PRO tables), rates of completion where possible. Documentation in G:/...Workgroup_VDW/MHRN3quarterly/2022-04
Mapping to be used in multi-site programs. SDOH - will continue to see if administrations grow. Can map SRQ items, may want new query to count people with different types of needs, or those desiring help. Can use existing SDOH pros as covariates but need to understand the demographics of who receives these questions.
What are the rates of recording in people with and without other MH diagnoses.
Manuscript under review.
Routine quarterly analyses show a significant increase in diagnoses of eating disorder diagnoses since 2019. Does that increase occur across all of the types of eating disorders?