This report is designed to provide daily program census for a selected program for any period of time specified by the user. The reported daily census is based on client program and service dates.
The HCC-99-SAG-306 - Hennepin Shelter Hotline Summary report provides information about individuals who are enrolled in Diversion through Hennepin Shelter Hotline (HSH) HMIS project or who are referred by HSH for shelter in Hennepin County. Information on outcomes of these individuals as well as services provided is available in the report.
HCC-00-SAG-304 - Hennepin County Unmet Shelter Need Report
HCC-Hennepin CoC
00-Not Applicable – Not Funder Specific
This report summarizes and displays detail on clients who had an unmet need for shelter in the Hennepin single adult and family shelter systems, whether due to lack of available beds, ineligibility, or client refusal of available services. It also displays detail where clients had a documented unmet need for shelter in Hennepin and stayed in shelter in Hennepin on the same night.
**Note**: This report contains sensitive PII and will only return data for users in Provider 1 (ICA) or Provider 192 ( Our Saviour's Housing-HCC). Contact the Helpdesk if you think you should have access.
Our Saviour's Caseflow Data Export
This report is designed to help support the work of Hennepin County planners and case managers in identifying persons served in shelter, street outreach, and case management.
HCC-99-BED-295 - Hennepin Family Shelter Primary Report
HCC-Hennepin CoC
The HCC-99-BED-295 - Hennepin Family Shelter Primary Report is designed to support the operational and historical reporting needs of the Family Shelter Team at Hennepin County. It contains information about utilization, voucher status, household configuration, demographics, and income for families in Hennepin's family shelter system. The report is primarily designed to be run for a one-month period, but can also be run for periods longer or shorter than one month.
This report reviews housing referrals and their associated program enrollments, flagging clearly identified data entry issues as errors and possible issues with warnings.
SSA >> 6. Coordinated Entry >> Monitoring and Evaluation
This report is designed to help support the work of Hennepin County planners and case managers in identifying persons served in shelter, street outreach, and case management.
SHP-99-SAG-291 - Statewide State Opioid Response (SOR)
SHP-State Homeless Program
This report is used to monitor project compliance in completing the GPRA (Government Performance and Results Act). This report uses to SOR Program Specific Data Elements, Was the initial GPRA survey offered? If so, did the participant choose to complete the GPRA survey?
SSA >> 4. State Homeless Programs >> DHS SAMHSA SOR
ISA-00-SYM-283 - Contacts and Users by EDA and Parent Provider
ISA-Internal – System Administrators
00-Not Applicable – Not Funder Specific
SYM-System Maintenance
This report lists all users' email addresses by EDA provider and contacts. Additionally it shows where a contact is NOT associated with an active user account. Also shows where parent provider does not have a user attached (please see note in tab for complex agencies).
This report was created to replace the existing LTH HPH report suite and is a supplemental report to the 030 Core report and the QDQ monitoring report.
In addition, this report was created as a part of the LTH Report Redesign project for evaluative use. It is based off of the SHP-51-RES-236-LTH Evaluation Data Pull report with some additional and removed fields.
SSA >> 4. State Homeless Programs >> MN Housing LTH
MIN-99-DQR-278 - Contact and Engagement Monitoring
MIN-Applicable statewide
DQR-Data Quality Report
This report is meant for project types that collect Date of Engagement and Current Living Situation (street outreach, PATH-funded SSO, and NbN ES). Those projects can use this report to track clients' contact and engagement while in the project.
MIN-00-SAG-271 - Returns to Homelessness for All Exits
MIN-Applicable statewide
00-Not Applicable – Not Funder Specific
This report supports program monitoring by displaying outcomes for returns to homelessness with broader parameters than the 054 Returns to Homelessness Report.
Instead of showing only the first exit and first reappearance within a desired date range, the 271 displays every exit and subsequent reappearance for that range. , This report supports program monitoring by displaying outcomes for returns to homelessness with broader parameters than the 054 Returns to Homelessness Report.
Instead of showing only the first exit and first reappearance within a desired date range, the 271 displays every exit and subsequent reappearance for that range.
The 267 CE Housing Provider Audit report is designed to track the outcome of referrals from a community’s Priority List to housing providers, at the agency or provider level. It is compatible with the 2020 CE data standards and workflow changes, and should not be run for time periods earlier than March 23, 2020.
SSA >> 6. Coordinated Entry >> Monitoring and Evaluation
Summarizes HMIS Coordinated Entry data to help CoCs identify gaps in the coordinated entry process and inform resource planning. This version is compatible with the 2020 CE data standards and workflow changes. It should not be run for time periods earlier than March 23, 2020.
NOTE: This report uses the flag "Uses Community Services" (in BO called "Provider Flags Uses ServicePoint") field to limit providers. IF a provider is missing and should appear, check this flag! Once the new HMIS Participation Status field is available, this report filter should be updated.
SSA >> 6. Coordinated Entry >> Monitoring and Evaluation
This report is designed for housing providers to track the status of referrals made to their projects through Coordinated Entry. It shows all referrals made to selected providers for clients currently active on a Priority List.
This report combines each CoC's Priority List report into a single report, customizable by CoC via the CoC Code prompt. It is in compliance with the HUD 2020 CES Data Standards changes and with Minnesota's statewide adoption of the entry/exit workflow.
MIN-01-DQR-251 - Quarterly Data Quality Monitoring
MIN-Applicable statewide
01-Core (All FSHP Programs)
DQR-Data Quality Report
This report is built for use in the Quarterly Data Quality monitoring process. It generates data quality scores for each provider based on the Quarterly Data Quality scoring criteria. This report can be used for a high level overview of providers' data quality, and detail on client records containing data entry errors.
This report is designed for shelter staff, case managers, outreach workers, or assessors/navigators to understand clients' status in Coordinated Entry. It displays whether and where clients are active in Coordinated Entry, and whether and to where they have a housing referral, for all clients with entry exits to the selected provider during the report period.
SSA >> 6. Coordinated Entry >> Monitoring and Evaluation
This report is designed for at-a-glance review of picklists, for adhoc users that do not have access to Assessment Admin or Picklist Admin, as well as for Sys Admin II users.
The report can be run by picklist name to return all values in the list, or can be run by value to return all picklists that contain a specific value.
Use this report to help maintain and report on assessments. Sys Admins can see assessment access and assignment for providers. Ad-hoc users can get exact field names to aide in report writing. All report writers can see in which universes the questions are reportable. Use this report of find all assessments on which a question appears. Note: assessment / sub-assessment questions appear in alphabetical order.
This report fulfills a data pull request from LTHSSF. They plan to run the report quarterly to allow DHS to identify gaps in services for people served by the LTHSSF grant.
This report displays counts and detail tabs for RHY program-specific data elements. This report is designed to be used in combination with the Core report to get a full picture of the RHY programs.
This report is designed to work with the MN Homeless Prevention Assessment Tool (M-PAT) completed by Prevention, Doubled-up, and Outreach project types with FHPAP funding. This report contains two summary tabs split out by eligibility level (One-time/Short-term/Medium-term) and Exit Destination (outcome). Also included are several detail tabs that can be used for further research and to identify errors.
SSA >> 4. State Homeless Programs >> MN Housing FHPAP
This report shows the HMIS bed utilization for the last three months in a selected reporting period as well as a selected PIT night. Utilizations are highlighted to indicate high, low, and optimal usage. It also highlights anomalies involving total beds per provider; zero beds with stays or beds with no stays.
This report is intended to aid in NOFA scoring and provides aggregate client counts by provider for essential elements such as select sub-populations, disabilities, LOT, income, income by race, exit destination, select DQ errors, and PIT counts. This report is designed to be easily sortable in Excel.
This report is used to evaluate whether a client on the priority list has been engaged with a homeless service provider that utilizes HMIS within the specified 30-day lookback period. If they have not been engaged, and they do not have a pending housing referral, then the client will be removed from the priority list by Hennepin's CES team.
This report is available for all assessing agencies to check the quality of data entry in their Coordinated Entry Assessment provider. The report can be used to ensure all clients assessed by an agency have the correct information to be prioritized. It is compatible with the 2020 HUD Coordinated Entry data standards and workflow changes.
SSA >> 6. Coordinated Entry >> Monitoring and Evaluation
SHP-51-CES-217 - High Priority Homeless Eligibility Confirmation Form
SHP-State Homeless Program
51-MN Housing LTH
CES-Coordinated Entry Report
The purpose of this form is to confirm that the client identified below meets the criteria of "High Priority Homeless" as defined by Minnesota Housing. This form should be placed in the client's paper file so it is available for review during funder audits.
SSA >> 4. State Homeless Programs >> MN Housing LTH
This report is designed to assist System Administrators in knowing which Assessments are assigned to individual providers and the visibility of those assessments.
UPDATE APRIL 20, 2020: This report can also be used to track providers tagged as COVID-19 providers. To audit these providers specifically, use the COVID prompt and/or select Reporting Group 854. Read more about completing the prompts below.
Statewide summary of performance indicators for LTH programs. Requested by LTH annually.
6/18/15-additional group option
6/10/15-Added worksheet D-Numb
3/27/15-Alerter update, re-code on Evictions & Non-Compliance fields.11/6/14-updates to var.subsidy,legal evic,non-comp,dest PTOI.11/03/2014-In process re:subsidy @ exit.
10/20/14-in process-add counts tab
05/19/14-Updated to pull Units from Worksheet U.05/16/14-Updated removed from HH variable - merged fields from Q1 and Q exited. LS 04/15/14-update to headings (utilization), added report dates to footer. LS
10/3/13-Final. Removed extra tabs.
08/20/13-aded fields per request.
6/18/13-renamed - was 4F
4/30/13-Updated var. Utilization.
4/17/13-Updates from State re: Performance indicator definitions.- 2/25/13-Tabs on report built 2/22 disappeared. rebuilding & keeping in my LTH folder.2/20/13-In process Performance Indicators table. 1/25/13-test for Charts.1/11/2013: Query updated for households
4/6/12 Date Format updates.2/29/12-updated disabilities variable
This report is designed to provide daily program census for a selected program for a 31 day period of time specified by the user. The reported daily census is based on client entries and exits, and includes individual counts, household counts, percent of capacity and breakdowns by gender, age, race, ethnicity and prior living situation. In addition to this summary data, the report includes the client detail related to each breakdown, and combined counts for the entire reporting period.
Purpose: to pull Notes About Client from the Summary tab of a client's file into a single table.
If you would like to pull only a specific range of dates for notes, enter dates. Otherwise, leave date prompts blank and all available notes will pull into report.
To ensure you have properly documented a consented ROI, this report identifies every client created by a selected provider since 10/3/2016 (the day Minnesota’s HMIS started sharing client records statewide).
To use this report to find a list of your agency's active HMIS providers, press CTRL + F and search by your agency name. This list is sorted according to organizational identifier. Your agency will have more than one organizational identifier in HMIS if you operate in more than one CoC. Inactive, closed HMIS providers will not appear on this report.
4/26/2021 - Added the "Provider Flags Uses ServicePoint" question to a new column: HMIS Participating? LT
2/8/18 - added CoC code & Program Type
AmandaFranklin 2017.08.28- Removed zz_ providers with a query filter.
This report has been created to provide the client and household data needed to complete the sheltered and unsheltered portion of the “Homeless Populations” tab and the “Homeless Subpopulation” tab in the Annual Point-In-Time module of the HUD HDX. This information relates to clients being served in an Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, or Safe Haven Project at the time or the annual homeless count. Clients are identified based on their project enrollment (EE) status; their shelter specific service transactions and their ShelterPoint shelter stays. This report also provides the client and household level detail to assist in documentation and data quality processes.
Of clients who exited a project during the report period, did the client return to the homeless system (ES, Street Outreach, or TH)?
See detailed R2H Quick Reference Guide on our website.
This report is for DHS HYA YSH and Shelter projects. Its purpose is to provide summary and detail for outcomes (case management provided and client outcomes) of clients while in HYA programs. Every 6 months, or half, all clients in program should have an outcomes interim review. Additionally, a baseline outcomes review is required for clients entering OEO HYA YSH programs on or after July 1, 2021.
YSH - all clients in program
Shelter - all clients in program >30 days
ISA-00-SYM-037 - CoC and Reporting Group Maintenance Report
ISA-Internal – System Administrators
00-Not Applicable – Not Funder Specific
SYM-System Maintenance
This report is useful for Sys Admins and LSAs when auditing providers, reporting groups or monitoring CoC projects. If report is viewed in View Report mode, there is an input control on several tabs to sort by reporting group, CoC, or provider. Useful when searching for a particular reporting group (then right click on tab and download as Excel file).
Pulls all Providers by CoC Code. It also includes a Null CoC Code for providers in the system without a CoC Code. This tab is for checking purposes only.
The Core report contains five Summary tabs, six Detail tabs, and a tab for errors. The Summary tabs tally demographic characteristics, family types, subpopulations, and outcomes.
The Detail tabs display client-level information (excluding identifying information). Detail tabs can be used for further analysis and to cross-reference or isolate specific variables.
Use this report to understand your program’s characteristics. If used routinely, the Core can assist program evaluation and monitoring.
The Core is especially powerful if used to track changes over time; it is also the base dataset for much of the MN Dash to End Homelessness.
This report reviews housing referrals and their associated program enrollments, flagging clearly identified data entry issues as errors and possible issues with warnings.
Folder Path
SSA >> 6. Coordinated Entry >> Monitoring and Evaluation