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Application form for grantees impacted by recent events

This form is intended for individuals or organizations whose funding is affected by the recent collapse of the FTX Future Fund (FTXFF), and who would like to request funding from Open Philanthropy to fill the resulting funding gap. This includes: - Grantees who never received some or all of their committed funds from FTXFF - Grantees who received funds, but want to set them aside to return to creditors or depositors* - Grantees whose funding was otherwise affected by recent events Please only complete this form if this description applies to you - this is not the right place to submit a new application. See here for a list of our ongoing funding opportunities: Note also that in cases where the impacted entity is an organization with multiple employees, or a fellowship / other cohort-based program with one sponsoring organization, a representative of that entity should complete this form for the organization as a whole (rather than each of the employees / fellows filling it in separately). This form is designed to give us a quick sense of how time-sensitive your request is, so that we can prioritize accordingly – we’ll follow up to ask for additional information where relevant. *We think there could be a number of complex considerations here, and we don’t yet have a clear picture of how we’ll treat requests like these. We’d encourage people to apply if in doubt, but to avoid making assumptions about whether you’ll be funded (and about what our take will end up being on what the right thing to do is for your case). (Additionally, we’re unsure if there will be legal barriers to returning funds.) That said, we’ll do our best to respond to urgent requests quickly, so you have clarity as soon as possible.

If you’re submitting this form on behalf of an organization, it should be completed by whoever will act as the primary contact person for the purposes of this grant application. Please only make one submission per grant.
CV or resume (2 pages maximum, PDF)
Attach file
Drop files here
Please select all that apply:
(1) I or an organization I work for has been awarded a grant by FTXFF and I/we never received some or all of my/our committed funding from FTXFF. (2) I or an organization I work for has been awarded a grant by FTXFF and I/we want to set aside these funds to return them to creditors or depositors. (3) My funding has otherwise been affected by recent events (please only select if the above options do not apply).
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
Cause area
  • AI policy
  • AI safety (technical)
  • Biosecurity
  • Economic growth
  • Forecasting
  • Great power relations
  • Nuclear risk
  • Space governance
  • Other
Context on the previous question (about how much has already been spent)
We appreciate that there are sometimes some subtleties around what it means for funding from a particular donor to have been spent, e.g. if someone received funding from several sources and there is fungibility between them. Please provide additional context here if this applies to you.

Consequences if your request goes unfunded
We’re interested to hear about whether and in what form the project would still go ahead, but also about potential knock-on effects you anticipate, or financial hardship any of the individuals might suffer as a result.

Please explain your answer to the previous question.
  • {name}
Please comment on any alternative funding sources to which you have applied or plan to apply in order to fill your funding gap.
Context on of your answers to the previous questions (about the dates by which you need to/would ideally like to hear back from us/receive funds)
Please explain your answers to the previous four questions. We’re prepared for the possibility that we’ll be dealing with an unusually high number of grant requests in the coming weeks and this information will help us decide in what order we process applications, so you’re welcome to err on the side of going into more detail here.

You’re welcome to submit any other supporting documents you think are relevant, including any materials you submitted in support of your application to FTXFF.
You can upload any documents below.
Attach file
Drop files here
Any additional information about any aspect of your application you would like to share?

Would you like us to share your application materials with other potential funders if we decide not to fund you but think your proposal might be a good fit for them?
In a small number of cases, we may decide that an application is not a good fit for this program but may be of interest to another funder in our network.

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