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Volunteer for MCK's Ramadan 1444/2023

Are you interested in giving back to your community during the holy month of Ramadan? Your masjid needs your help. Come to Masjid Annoor and help with food distribution, cleanup, and more. Fill out the simple form with your full name, phone number, email, and availability for different volunteer categories, times, and Iftar days. We may text or call you to coordinate and email you about plans for Ramadan. Let us know about any scheduling conflicts or other details that can help us understand your volunteering capacity. May Allah reward you tremendously for your generosity! For any questions, feel free to contact us at

We may text or call you at this number to coordinate.
We may email you about plans for Ramadan.
Which categories can you volunteer?
Select all the options that apply
  • Iftar Distribution
  • Taraweeh
  • Security
  • Cleanup after Iftar
  • Eid
What times can you volunteer?
Please indicate all that apply.
  • Weeknights
  • Weekends
  • Anytime
  • Other (specify in notes)
Which Iftar Days Can You Do?
If you have specific days you are definitely available to volunteer, please select them here.
Anything else we should know?
Let us know about your scheduling conflicts or anything else that can help us understand your volunteering capacity.
  • {name}

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