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Quantum Valley Investments®️ Problem Pitch Application

If you are interested in competing in the Fall 2021 Problem Pitch, please fill out the application below before the end of February 6, 2022 It is highly recommended that students read the Problem Lab methodology prior to entering the competition. We wish you success. The Problem Lab

Problem Statement
Try to concisely describe the problem in 1-to-2 sentences.

Scale of the Problem
*Limit of 250 words* What industry or organizations are affected by the problem? What market segment(s) are affected by the problem and how much revenue does it generate?

Context of the Problem
*Limit of 250 words* What background information about the present day is necessary to fully appreciate the problem you are analyzing? E.g., principles, terminology,

History of the Problem
*Limit of 400 words* Think about 6-8 major events from the past that have affected or shaped the problem you are analyzing. You are welcome to use bullet points for this section.

Failure Analysis
*Limit of 400 words* What are the specific solutions that are designed to address the problem you are analyzing? What criteria/elements/features would be important to include in a "good" solution to solve the problem?

Teams are encouraged to source facts, figures and other information they have included when describing the various parts of their chosen problem.

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