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2025-26 Humanities Institute Advanced PhD Fellowships - Application Submission Form

Please use the form below to submit your application. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Maki Tanigaki via email at

Nomination Confirmation Statement: I confirm that my department Director of Graduate Studies has nominated me as an applicant for consideration for the 2024-25 Humanities Institute Advanced PhD Fellowship.
If your answer is no, please stop. You are not eligible to apply for this fellowship program at this time.
  • Yes
  • No
Enter the year you started graduate studies at UB
Title of Dissertation
  • {name}
Dissertation Abstract
(200 word maximum)
  • {name}
Application Statement
Please upload your project description/narrative (four-pages, double-spaced).
Attach file
Drop files here
Curriculum vitae
Current CV of no more than two pages.
Attach file
Drop files here
Please have your dissertation director submit their letter of support via email to
List of other, active, fellowship applications:
Please list any other fellowships you are currently under consideration for, including anticipated, approximate notifications dates.

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