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2022 Hokie for a Day Exhibitor Info

We love our exhibitors! Use this form to let us know who is involved - as designers, researchers, or staff.

Select the exhibit(s) you will be a part of.
Which classification best describes you?
College/Research Institute
Skip this one if you're not part of a college or research institute at Virginia Tech.
Skip this one if you're not part of a department at Virginia Tech.
Organization title (if not covered by college/department)
This is a four-digit number for on-campus mail. Skip this one if you don't have a Virginia Tech mailing address.
Your full mailing address
Use an on-campus address if you have one. Otherwise, please provide your mailing address.
  • {name}
Subscribe to the Center for Educational Networks and Impacts newsletter?
Check the box below if you would like to subscribe to our monthly newsletter list. We feature highlights from Virginia Tech’s efforts toward fulfilling its land grant mission, provide a Save the Dates list of upcoming events, check in with our museum and preK-12 liaisons, and share work from our Center and partners. You can unsubscribe at anytime.
Subscribe to other outreach opportunities?
Check here if you'd like to be contacted about on-campus and local opportunities to share your science.
Do you speak a language other than English?
Check all that apply
  • Spanish
  • Mandarin
  • Arabic
  • Vietnamese
  • Korean
  • American sign language
  • Other
  • checked
Anything else you'd like us to know?
  • {name}
Agree to terms
The following standards for event staff help to ensure the safety and well being of all participants and the integrity of the program. • I will teach, enforce, advocate, and model trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. • I will represent Virginia Tech by conducting myself with courteous manners and language, exhibiting good sportsmanship, serving as a positive role model, and demonstrating reasonable conflict resolution skills. • I will dress in a manner that is appropriate for a given program/event in accordance with that program/event’s dress code. • I will support and promote the mission to provide educational experiences with “the time, space, and permission to think and do.” • I will actively participate in, and complete, program orientation and training that prepares me to satisfactorily accomplish the tasks for which I have volunteered. • I will help ensure the safety of children by not being alone with a minor. • I will abide by all applicable laws and Virginia Tech policies, guidelines, and procedures. This includes, but is not limited to those regarding, child abuse, risk management, above suspicion, substance abuse, and limits of authority. • I will accept supervision and support from staff or designated management volunteers and understand that I work under the guidance, supervision, and leadership of the ICAT staff member in charge. • I will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that programs are accessible to all individuals regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. • I will not use (or allow others to use), nor advocate the use of, alcohol/marijuana or illegal drugs at any Virginia Tech program or event that includes minors. I understand that tobacco products can only be used in approved areas at approved times during approved events if I am of legal age. I understand certain criminal behavior on or near campus must be reported to police per the Clery Act. • I will, when transporting youth, operate motor vehicles and other equipment in a safe and reliable manner and only with a valid operator’s license in accordance with Virginia Tech policies. I will comply with all motor vehicle-related state regulations and laws. All transported youth will be secured by properly operating seat belts when applicable. • I will conduct myself in a manner that is in the best interest of youth and the ICAT program and will not use the position for purposes of private or personal gain. • I will use technology in an appropriate manner in accordance with ICAT and Virginia Tech policies. • I will complete all necessary paperwork in a timely manner. I understand that these standards represent a contractual agreement between volunteers and ICAT (Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology at Virginia Tech). My checking this box indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by these standards for volunteers. I understand that immediate suspension or termination of my position as a volunteer could result if I do not meet these standards. Check here to agree to these standards (required).

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