Student Entrepreneurship Fund Application
Please note, once the fund is allocated, we will be unable to approve or fund further applications. We are unable to give advance notice when this occurs, so we recommend submitting applications early.
Project name *
Have you created an account with CWRU Entrepreneurship? (Yes or No) Please fill out here if you answered NO :
If you have filled out this form before, please DO NOT fill it out again.
Budget Spreadsheet *
Please make a copy of this budget template:
Fill out the budget template and attach the file to your application here along with any quotes or other financial documentation for the project.
Attach file
Drop files here
Project Description *
- {name}
Have you received any revenue from your business? *
Please share estimated amounts your business has received in:
While it is preferred that you are operating a business with revenue growth (generating sales from a product or service), it will not be required for your application to be considered.
- {name}
Project Milestones *
Please include dates and the expected outcomes of each milestone.
- {name}
Complete Budget Details *
Please break down costs into these four categories: Tools/Equipment, Supplies/Materials, and Other Costs.
- {name}
Team Names and Bios *
Please give us the name and a brief bio of each team member.
Team Bios should include:
Full Name (First and Last)
Projected Graduation Date
Relevant Experience to your business
Fun Facts and Interests
- {name}
Letter of Support
Attach file
Drop files here
Yes Votes
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