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Startup Vic x One Roof: HerStartup Pitch Night - Application Form

Pitch Night is your chance to share your startup with the Australian startup community of industry leaders, entrepreneurs, corporate innovators, and startup investors as well as a panel of judges who only want the best for you. Application Process: Round 1: Submit written application Round 2: 5 minute pitch to Startup Vic x One Roof at pitch training Round 3: Pitch Night! Key dates - Submission Deadline: 1pm Friday 16th September Shortlisted applications announced: Friday 16th Sep Pitch Training: Wed 21st September @ 10am – 12pm Event Date: Tue 27th Sep @ 6:00pm – 8:00pm Good luck!

Tell us about your Startup and your Pitch
  • {name}
Please confirm you are available for Pitch Training (date above) Online or via Zoom (compulsory)?
  • Yes I am!
  • No sorry I can't make it
How is your startup funded?
What's your current revenue?
Do you have a product in the market?
Do you have any paying customers?
Their roles and full names
  • {name}
Please upload a logo or visual representation of your startup
This will be used for our virtual startup showcase.
Attach file
Drop files here
Add the links to your Social Media Platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, etc.)
  • {name}
Are you a Startup Vic Member?
Are you a One Roof Member?
What are your pronouns?
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent?
Do you identify as...?
Where are you based?
Do you agree to comply to our Startup Victoria Events Code of Conduct?
Read more here Please note that our partners at One Roof and event sponsors have access to all applications

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