BCPL Programs and Services Survey
What would you like to share with us?
Let us know what kind of feedback you have. Check as many as apply.
Select an option
Is this feedback specific to a particular branch or location?
Check as many as apply.
Select an option
Add your comments, suggestions, etc. here.
(Please note that if you want to make a purchase request, you can do so at mybcpl.org/suggest).
- {name}
What library programs and/or services have you used in the last 3 months? Check all that apply.
Select an option
How do you learn about library programs, events, and/or news?
Select an option
Sign me up for BCPL's weekly email newsletter to learn about upcoming programs, events, and library news.
If you would like to be contacted about your feedback, please leave your name and contact information below.
Name, email and/or phone number.
- {name}
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