Pitch Submission
Notes: - The CEO should submit the application form - Please enter data in USD - There is no way to save. Review the questions first and make sure you have all the data before completing the form.
Which Fund are you applying to? *
Nationality *
Gender *
Position *
Co-Founder? *
Prior Founding Experience *
- No prior startup founding experience
- Founded a startup and failed
- Founded a startup, raised capital and failed
- Founded a startup, raised capital and exited
- Founded a startup, raised capital, still running sustainably
- Founded a startup, still running sustainably
Work Commitment *
How did you hear about us? *
(The date the founding team began working on the business)
Primary country of operation *
Other countries of operation (LK)
(If any)
Industry *
Elevator Pitch *
- {name}
Pitch Deck (PDF) *
Max 10mb
Attach file
Drop files here
Company Stage *
- Idea: still refining the idea/model and testing major assumptions
- Prototype: solution developed and in testing with beta users
- Revenue: solution has paying users, not yet complete enough for active sales
- Scaling: solution is ready, the team is actively selling
Transaction model *
- B2C
- B2B
- B2G
- B2B2C
- B2B2B
- B2B Marketplace
- B2C Marketplace
- C2C Marketplace
Revenue Model *
- Subscription: Monthly recurring revenue for a service
- Commission: You take percentage of a transaction value
- Product: You sell your own product on demand
- Product + Subscription: You sell/give the product upfront and then get a recurring revenue for a service
- Freemium: Additional features are paid for
- On-demand: Each use/download/purchase is sold for a fee. AKA fee for service
- Advertising: You sell advertising space/clicks/impressions etc
- Licensing: You have the IP and license it to third parties who operate
- Other
Tech in-house? *
- Yes, built 100% in-house
- No, tech is currently outsourced, but in the process of bringing in-house
- No, tech is fully outsourced
C-Level Positions Covered *
SDGs Impacted *
Select an option
Attach file
Drop files here
(If applicable)
Are you currently fundraising? *
Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form