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LCW Registration Survey

The Long COVID Web Survey is a registration form for individuals interested in becoming members of the Long COVID Web. The Long COVID Web has been established to support and conduct pan-Canadian research in response to the global pandemic with a particular focus on Post-COVID-19 condition (PCC), also known as Long COVID, and its consequences on patients' quality of life. Our aim is to build a cohesive and coordinated national framework that integrates research into clinical care and education for PCC. The survey consists of two parts: the first part is for registration and the second part provides an opportunity for individuals to share information about their research, if applicable. By completing this survey and joining the Long COVID Web community, you will have access to information (newsletter, calendar invite, etc.) and resources related to Long COVID research, as well as the opportunity to connect with other individuals/groups.

At Long COVID Web, we are looking to highlight our members and their work. Please feel free to attach a headshot that may be posted on our website.
Attach file
Drop files here
Please share your social media handles for the various social media platforms you may be on professionally
(Please be sure to put the platform's name beside your handle. Example: @johndoe5 - Twitter)

Affiliation to Long Covid Web
  • Clinician
  • Policy maker/decision maker
  • Long COVID Patient
  • Family of Long COIVD Patient
  • Patient Partner
  • Community partner (A member or leader of another long COVID group)
  • Researcher (Principal investigator, etc.)
  • PCC trainee (Postdoctoral Fellow)
  • Other
Do you have any international collaborations on PCC/Long COVID projects?
Long COVID Research Landscape: Identifying Gaps, Opportunities, and Priorities for Advancement
The purpose of the following questions is to gather information and conduct an environmental scan of the current Long COVID research landscape. By doing so, we aim to identify the gaps and opportunities in the field and understand the research priorities that are essential for advancing Long COVID research. Long COVID Web will be showing the research that you submit on the website, with the aim to provide up-to-date information and resources about Long COVID research. By sharing this information on the platform, we hope to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among our members. Moreover, the input gathered from the questions will also inform the research priorities that need to be addressed urgently. By prioritizing research, we can identify the most pressing research needs and direct resources toward addressing them. This, in turn, can lead to a better understanding of the condition and identify opportunities for future research and action.
    Are you currently or have you worked on a PCC related research project

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