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#MEAction Colorado Financial Emergency Assistance Fund for People with ME

Financial assistance will be provided based on an applicant's needs, available funds, and balancing with other applications that have been submitted. #MEAction Colorado State Chapter wishes we were able to give everyone grants, but we have very limited funds at this time. You can only receive one grant per calendar year. Grants range from $25- $250. At this time, we can only pay for the following: * Assisting with rent/mortgage * Assisting with electricity, heat, or water bill * Assisting with medical payments * Assisting with groceries NOTE: #MEACTION COLORADO STATE CHAPTER WILL NOT SHARE ANY OF YOUR APPLICATION INFORMATION WITH ANYONE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. If your application is accepted, you will need to provide a W-9. After submitting this form, if you do not hear back from #MEAction after a week, please email and Thank you.

Please provide area code with your number.
Street, City and Zip
Statement of Financial Need
Please provide a brief paragraph detailing why you need financial assistance at this time.
  • {name}
Which area are you requesting support
Please select the area of support you are looking for financial support. Please select one area from the below options.
Grants range from $25- $250.
How are you engaged with the #MEAction Colorado Community?
You can select more than one option if applicable.
Provide proof of a Colorado address
Please upload an image for proof of your address in CO. You can upload an images of a recent utility bill, bank statement, or driver's license (feel free to black out your ID number).
Attach file
Drop files here
Declaration for a diagnosis of ME/CFS from a medical professional or through self-diagnosis.
Please provide information on your diagnosis of ME/CFS. We know it is difficult to get an official diagnosis, so if you have self-diagnosis, please describe your experience.
  • {name}

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