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40th Ward Apartment / Garage / Yard Sales Permit Application

A permit is needed for all garage sales, yard sales, apartment sales and similar occasional sales of household goods that are conducted on residential property within the City of Chicago. Each household is entitled to TWO permits per year, with a third sale authorized only if the occupants are moving permanently from their residence. If more than one household is joining in a single sale, each household needs its own permit even if the sale is at the address of only one participating household. ALL sales are limited to three consecutive days between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and SUNSET. In case of rain, the sale can be held during the next three days after the permit period, but is still limited to three total days. To get your permit, complete this form submit it at least two (2) weeks prior to the starting date. There is no fee for obtaining these permits. To obtain your permit: 1 - Complete the form below, filling in all contact and event details. 2- Attach proof of address 3 - Complete the City of Chicago Permit Application and upload the completed City of Chicago permit application to this webform and click submit. : Garage, Yard and Apartment Sales Permit Application in English - *If you are part of a large multi-house garage/ yard sale, attach proof of address for the name of the permit-holder, who is submitting the permit on behalf of the entire group. Also attach a spreadsheet of everyone who will be participating with their full name, address, email, phone number. 4- Fill this 40th Ward Event Submission form if you want to add this to our events calendar:

Contact information
Please include your name (first & last, email, phone number, complete address)

Type of Request
Select- Garage/Yard Sale Request
Select : Escalated to Staff
Supervising Staff
Select - Deirdre O'Connor
Will this be a large multi-house garage/ yard sale?
If you are the only household participating in the garage/yard sale, do not answer this question. If you are, please select 'Multi-house garage/ yard sale' and attach spreadsheet of participants in the attachments field below.
Image Attachment
Please attach completed permit (if applicable) and proof of address
Attach file
Drop files here
up to 3 consecutive days from Start Date
Please indicate how you wish to receive your permit:

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