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Conscious Costume Source

Conscious Costume maintains an informal source list of more Ethical/Sustainable/Conscious choices, we are looking to upgrade that list. Inspired in part by the "Integrity Index" in Greta Eagan's book "Wear No Evil," the information from this form will be used to populate a free and publicly accessible list of sources ranked in 4 categories (Blue, Green, Yellow, Red) according to how many "Conscious business" categories they fit. The Integrity Index suggests that a person pick the three most important conscious categories to them and buy accordingly, preventing overwhelm and indecision at the point of purchase. The list will be searchable to find the Conscious Choices most important to you and your buying habits. Thank you for your assistance helping to populate the Conscious Source list! All questions are optional

Name of shop/store/vendor/artist.
If available
Social Media Link(s)
If available
  • {name}
In what way is this a Conscious Source?
Choose all that apply.
Price Point
Approximate average cost of a typical item.
Product type
Any and all that apply.
If known, may help someone determine if this is "local" to them or estimate shipping.
If known.
Other information
  • {name}
Images of products
Or a logo, any graphics that may help someone choose to shop here.
Attach file
Drop files here

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