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Breathwork with Anja

Anja is a breathwork teacher and herbalist based in the UK. They offer group and 1:1 online breathwork sessions including LGBTQIA only spaces and breathwork with herbs. They have kindly offered a monthly breathwork session to the aequa community. These sessions are offered on a sliding scale from 5€ to 20€ and all funds raised will go to the aequa save-our-space fund. No-one turned away for lack of funds. Next session: October 20th, 7pm-8.15pm, Berlin time >> This event will be in English and online << We will email information for payment after you’ve signed up. We'll send out the zoom link to participants on the day of the event. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Breathwork is an active guided breathing meditation. It bypasses the brain and lets us feel and clear any blocks or stuck emotions that are draining our life force. It enables us to access the wisdom within us and deepen our connection to source. Sign up for aequa's newsletter here

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Have you done breathwork before?
Hast du schon einmal Atemarbeit gemacht?
  • {name}
Anything else we should know?
Gibt es sonst noch etwas, das wir wissen sollten?
  • {name}
I confirm that my data above can be used by aequa CC UG for the purposes of communication related to this event.
Ich bestätige, dass meine oben genannten Daten von aequa CC UG für Kommunikationszwecke im Zusammenhang mit diesem Ereignis verwendet werden können
I'd like to sign up for Anja (Pin Primrose)'s newsletter
Ich möchte mich für den Newsletter von Anja (Pin Primrose) anmelden (auf Englisch)

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