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Full Circle Workshops

Charles Street Video and Pix Film Gallery are collaborating to host Full Circle, an online 4-week workshop (1 session a week) that explores loop-making with 16mm film. Through the creative process, participants are invited to contemplate the "anniversary" of the initial lockdowns of March 2020, using analogue materials to reflect on our current era of digital gatherings and communication. The workshop will culminate in a group exhibition using projectors and monitors to display the works and their soundscapes from inside TMAC's window space out to the public. *Workshops take place every Thursday (beginning on March 11th) for 4 weeks. Participants must be available for all 4 sessions.

Are you available for all workshop dates?
Workshop dates are: March 11, 18, 25, and April 1st
Fill Statement of Interest
Tell us why you are interested in Full Circle. How would you benefit from these workshops? [1 paragraph]
  • {name}
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