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SPN Budget Request Form

The SPN Coordinating Committee will review your request and follow up with next steps.

Your name
I'm making this request on behalf of the following SPN group
Scope of Work
Add the full scope of work here. *Make sure the line items in the SOW add up to your budget request amount.*
Attach file
Drop files here
Describe your request
If you don't have a full scope of work, describe your request here. What work are you funding? Feel free to skip this if you've attached a scope of work.
  • {name}
If your request would support other SPN groups (for example, if it's a subscription service anyone can create an account in, or a template that others can use later), check the boxes for additional groups that this request serves:
  • Metadata
  • TechInfra
  • Training & Ed
  • Research-in-Practice
  • Law & Policy
  • Community Engagement Collaborative
  • Coordinating Committee
Describe the frequency of the cost:
Billing Year
The fiscal year that you expect the work to be billed in. The SPN fiscal year runs from January to December.
Please share any further details you would like to share with the Coordinating Committee:
  • {name}

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