Wisconsin Adopt A Golden Retriever Inc. Foster Application
Complete this foster form to become an as needed foster home. Foster homes are an essential part of our rescue because they are not adopters and are available when dogs need a safe home.
First and Last
Abbreviation (EX: WI for Wisonsin)
Are you applying with another person? *
- Yes
- No
Do you currently own or rent your residence? *
- Own
- Rent
If you own or rent a home, do you have home owners or renters insurance? *
- Yes
- No
Example: Between ____ AM & ____PM.
May we contact your vet for a reference?
- Yes
- No
Current Members of Household: ADULTS
Please provide information on all adults (18+) who will reside at the residence of the adopted dog. List issues that may affect the ownership and care of having a resident dog (i.e. allergies, elderly, etc.). You will have an opportunity to tell us more about additional members of the household. *
Please include:
Name; Date of Birth; Gender; Health
- {name}
How many children reside in the household? *
Current Members of Household: CHILDREN
Please provide information on all children who will reside at the residence of the adopted dog. List issues that may affect the ownership and care of having a resident dog (i.e. allergies, scared, etc.). You will have an opportunity to tell us more about additional members of the household.
Please include:
Name, Age
- {name}
What kind(s) of pets do you currently have in the household? *
Select all that apply
- Dog(s)
- Cat(s)
- Small Animals
- None
Current Pets in the Household:
Please provide information on all animals who will reside at the residence of the adopted dog.
Please include:
Name; Age; Type (Dog, Cat, Other); Health
- {name}
Have you ever owned a dog before? *
- Yes
- No
Who will be the primary caretaker of your foster dog? *
- {name}
Do all family members want a foster dog? *
- Yes
- No
Where will the foster dog spend his/her days AND nights? *
- {name}
Please Enter Number of Hours
Comments on hours:
- {name}
Is your yard completely fenced? *
- Yes
- No
How will your foster dog be exercised & socialized? *
- {name}
What brand of food will you feed your dog? Where and when will you feed him/her?
- {name}
Are your current animals spayed or neutered? *
Yes/No (If No, please explain)
- {name}
What age(s) will you consider? *
Check all that apply
- 0-1
- 1-3
- 3-5
- 5-7
- 7-9
- 9-11
- 11 and older
Do you have a gender preference for your foster dog? *
- Either
- Male
- Female
Would you foster a mix breed? *
- Yes
- No
Are you willing to crate train your foster dog? *
- Yes
- No
Will you groom the dog?
- Yes
- No
Have you ever had a dog with Parvovirus in your home?
- Yes
- No
Are there other areas that would be of interest?
Select all that apply
- Transportation
- Home Visits
- Fundraising
- Website/Social Media
- Grant Writing
- Dog Training
- Sponsorship (building relationships in the community)
I understand that my foster application does not guarantee a placement. *
Please initial below
WAAGR uses Pawlytics as its animal rescue management software. Please check the box below to indicate you have read and agreed to the Pawlytics Terms and Conditions for submitting your online application. *
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