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Tell Ghosthoney Your Dreams

Thank you, gentle human, for sharing your dreams with Ghosthoney. We want to gather as many of our listener’s dreams as possible for the podcast, Ghosthoney's Dream Machine. Whether your dreams take you to a magical place or simply heighten the reality of your day-to-day life, we want you to feel encouraged to be as candid and detailed as you can. Your dream could be read by Ghosthoney on an upcoming podcast or even turned into a sketch. You can write your dreams in the form below, and feel free to make them as long or short as you'd like. Take us on a journey into your own dream machine, won’t you?

Tell us about your dreams:
  • {name}
Age Range
Ghosthoney may use your submission in an upcoming project! By checking the box below you consent to the recording and broadcast or other distribution of reproduction(s) of the your submission as part of the above named project.

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