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Umbrella IRB Intake Form

The goal of the SoTL Umbrella IRB protocol is to provide opportunities and resources to faculty interested in becoming SoTL scholars, to help faculty advance their own SoTL projects, and to form a community of colleagues actively doing SoTL research. For those who may be new to the discipline, SoTL enables you to pose research questions about your own teaching methods and collect data in your own classrooms, with the goal of assessing and improving teaching and learning. The beauty of SoTL research is that it can be conducted using tools you already implement in your teaching, is low-cost, efficient, and offers many opportunities for collaboration. We encourage you to explore our resources and consider some SoTL projects! Join our Canvas course for all of our SoTL resources and the remaining steps to initiating your research project. You will need to complete three quick and easy steps to submit your proposal. This form is one of them!

Collaborators (name and department of co-PIs)
  • {name}
  • {name}

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