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Ask an AWS Question

We'd love if you shared some of your current AWS questions, to help us in improving the free, open source guide to AWS: For ideas, or if you want to help answer, you can see previously submitted questions: The more questions, the better! Please don't share proprietary info, of course.

An AWS-related question of any kind. Can be basic or highly technical. Just try to keep it brief (and ideally with decent grammar and punctuation).
Optional. If you already know the answer or a related link or two, please put it here. Or if you have more thoughts or other details, or just want to vent frustration, put that here too.
  • {name}
Select which topics apply to the question. (Select Other if not listed.)
Optional. This won't appear in the public list of questions. But if you fill this in we'll use it to update you if we answer the question or have major updates on the Guide. (You only need to fill it in once.)
Optional. This won't appear in the public list of questions, but helps us credit contributors.
Thoughts or suggestions? This won't appear in the public list of questions.

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