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Reporting Individual Work Hours

Use this form each time you want to report Gardens work hours and get work credit. Please DO NOT report group work day hours here; those get tracked via the sign-up sheet that the workday organizer brings to the workday. (Work coordinators, team leaders can use this form to enter work hours for their team members too.) Contact with any questions. ITHACA COMMUNITY GARDENS 607-216-8770 (leave a message)

Name of Person Reporting Work Hours
Type your name here. If you are the plot partner of a registered gardener-member, please add the member's name too.
  • {name}
If you have a plot at the Gardens and know your plot number, please enter that in the box below. Here's the plot map for reference: (Work coordinators/team leaders can leave this box blank)
Date the work was done. If you don't know the exact date, please estimate.
Work Done
(Summarize the job)
  • {name}
Enter total hours worked. For example, if two people work together for one hour, enter 2 hours. You can enter 1/10ths of hours, i.e. 15 minutes is entered as 0.25; 1 a half hour is entered as 0.50, 45 minutes as 0.75, etc.
Work Notes
Enter any details about the job. If more than 1 person worked, give the details on that. Any feedback about the job can be entered here too, or questions.
  • {name}

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