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ASIFA-South Industry Sustainability and Wellness Survey 2022

ASIFA-South is currently trying to create a whitepaper to build on understanding and helping to create transparency on the conditions of the animation industry. Our mission is to assess areas of improvement and to bring to light more attention and care to our community. The quality and accuracy of our initiatives can only succeed with your help. The individual data we collect is anonymous and only the group data will be released. Our goal is to get at least 100 responses in order to craft a quality look at our field. Thank you for your time! We plan to close this survey at the end of February with our goal to release a paper at the end of the year 2022. Estimated time to fill: 12 minutes.

I am a
  • Student
  • Intern
  • Full Time Employee
  • Part Time Employee
  • Studio Contractor
  • Freelance Contractor
  • Small Business Owner
  • Other
If student, please list your closest specialty
Where are you currently located?
Pronoun you identify with
Your age group
Your Ethnicity
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • Asian
  • White
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin
How many hours on estimate do you work each week?
Do you have health insurance?
Does your employer provide you with other additional benefits?
Does your workplace allow you to Work From Home/ Flex hours
  • My workplace is on location only
  • My workplace employs a hybrid model
  • My workplace allows flex hours
  • My workplace allows work from home
On average, how much do you earn monthly
What is your pay period/ schedule calculated by
What tax forms do you receive from your employer(s)?
  • W-2
  • W-9/ W-8
  • 1099
  • Others
Have you gone on or plan to go on unemployment this year?
Have you ever been asked to work overtime/ on the weekends?
How much of your income goes to accommodation
Do you currently rent or own your own accomodation?
On a typical workday, how many hours of sleep do you get?
On a typical week, how many hours do you spend commuting to/from work? (both ways)
Do you currently have any health issues and do they hinder your work abilities?
How well do you feel that your workplace provide adequate physical/ mental accommodations
1 Star: not adequate, 10 stars: the best
How many meals excluding snacking do you have on an average day?
Do you typically eat your meals on time?
On time: Lunch around noon to 1pm, dinner around 5-8pm. 1 star: no, 5 stars: yes
Have you eaten while working?
Do you experience exhaustion/fatigue/burnout during the workweek?
Please check below if you believe you have developed any of the following conditions from working
  • Back Pain
  • Hand Pain (Arthritis)
  • Body Ache
  • Ulcers
  • Migraine/ Chronic Headache
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Jaw Pain
  • Other
Thank you for answering the survey, if you are currently an ASIFA-South member, please check here so we can add this to our membership data
Any notes you may want to add or us to take into consideration
  • {name}

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