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Instructor Application

Part 1. Applicant Information Please make sure to carefully spell your first and last name as you wish for it to be seen. After submitting Part 1, please return to to submit Part 2.

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If you are in a doctoral program, have you advanced to candidacy?
Which semester/s are you available to teach?
  • Summer 2025
  • Fall 2025
  • Spring 2026
  • Summer 2026
  • Fall 2026
  • Spring 2027
Do you have a driver’s license and are you willing to drive to the prison?
Do you personally own or have access to a car?
Please note, we try to connect people for carpools, but getting to the prison site is ultimately the responsibility of the instructor.
Would you be interested in teaching in our program even if there is no funding to support your teaching? In other words, are you willing to teach as a volunteer?
Weekly Times Available (optional)
This field is not required until later in the process, when you know your schedule for the upcoming semester. The different correctional facilities run on different schedules. CPEP courses are offered Monday-Friday during the following times: 7:50-10:50am, 12:10- 3:10pm, 3:30-6:30pm, 6:30-9:30pm. These are indicated as "Morning" "Early Afternoon" "Late Afternoon" and "Night." Please select as many time slots as you are available for. If your availability is very limited, it may be difficult/impossible to appoint you to a CPEP Course.

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