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Submit a Guest Opinion Essay

Opinion Guest Essays at The New York Times make an argument, based in fact, drawn from an author’s expertise or experience and delivered in the author’s own voice. (These essays were formerly known as Op-Eds because they appeared in print opposite the editorial page.) Please keep in mind — especially if you have a submission on a timely or developing news story — that it may take at least a day before an editor can review submissions sent through this form. Also, please do not send duplicate submissions to Opinion. If you submit through this form, please do not follow up separately by email to individual editors. Before submitting, please read this detailed guidance about our process and standards:

Please include the author’s job title, employer and any other associations, both paid and unpaid
Are you a representative submitting on behalf of the authors?
e.g. agent, assistant, interpreter, etc.
What primary email address should we use to communicate?
Should we need to speak to you, please include a telephone number we can call
Subject Matter
What's the primary topic (submissions may span topics, but please select the one that best describes your essay)
Your Pitch or Submission
Please briefly outline your idea or paste the text of your draft below. This field accepts basic formatting (bold, italics). Please do not link to downloads or drafts hosted elsewhere. Only the information submitted here will be considered.

Please explain why the author is an authority on the subject or, in the case of personal essays, any details about the circumstances or context that may be useful.
If the author(s) is active on Twitter, please include their username(s).
To help us understand your experience or relevance to the subject, please include a link to the author’s LinkedIn profile(s) or links to an employer or institution page with details of your biography, resume or experience.
I submit this material as original work and acknowledge it must be exclusive to The Times and cannot have appeared elsewhere — in any form — in print or online.

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