RLC Duke of Edinburgh International Award Application Form
You are about to become World Ready!!
If you haven't registered yet, go to this link below and register with the award centre Rachel's Learning Centre (Italy) Choose 'No award leader'. You will then receive a link in your email, and have to wait for the approval. After which, your participant ID will arrive. If instead, you wish to send the form immediately please send your participant ID to info@rachelslearningcentre.eu when it arrives.
Se non sei ancora registrato, vai a questo link qui sotto e registrati con il centro di assegnazione Rachel's Learning Center (Italia) Scegli 'No award leader'. Riceverai quindi un link nella tua e-mail e dovrai attendere l'approvazione. Dopodiché, arriverà il tuo ID partecipante. Se invece desideri inviare il modulo immediatamente, invia il tuo ID partecipante a info@rachelslearningcentre.eu quando arriva.
Nome del partecipante
Participant Surname *
Cognome del Partecipante
- {name}
Data di nascità
Numero cell partecipante
Email partecipante
Gender *
Nome genitore
Cell genitore
Address line 1
- {name}
Address line 2
- {name}
Post code
Codice postale
Country *
Email genitore
Award level *
- Bronze Level
- Silver Level
- Gold Level
photo_consent *
School *
Select an option
Bronze/Silver €150 Gold €180 All registration fees are to be made by bank transfer only.
Please upload your the medical form here
If you haven't got it to hand, please go to our website www.rachelslearningcentre.eu
Attach file
Drop files here
Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form